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Shanghai 2095 - A game designed with Ai

Shanghai 2095 - A game designed with Ai

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Background Fluff (Part 1)

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This is the first part of the background fluff for the game.

The year is 2060 and Europe has been at war for the last three years. In 2030 Russia re-invaded the Ukraine and occupied the entire country. Europe responded with sanctions and went into negotiations. A peace was brokered, and Russia eventually pulled back to the boarder, but a small, localized conflict breaks out with Russia slowly taking territory in Ukraine. This last for three years on and off, before a deal is agreed with the European Union. A year later Russia turns the gas off to Europe, as supplies start to dwindle. Russian troops then move westward through Ukraine and into Poland, forcing NATO to act and a full-scale war breaks out.

After the collapse of the USSR, former KGB and FSB members sent young pro-Russian/USSR individuals across Europe to embed themselves into European society and become sleeper cells waiting to be activated. This process went on for years and non-one noticed the influx of east European men and women across the continent, nor did anyone suspect anything. These individuals were thought to be migrating workers, so no one paid any attention. People at the time were migrating and travelling around Europe from many countries, and so one suspected anything.  East European crime syndicates smuggled weapons over the years through to these sleeper cells. Their mission when activated was to cause chaos and internal strife within Europe.

Background Fluff (Part 1)

The UK and the rest of Europe have become embroiled in trying to push back Russian forces and their allies, The ongoing war has caused the economy to crash, and many countries in Europe are experiencing internal strife as a result. The Isle of Man declared itself independent and Northern Ireland has allied itself to Southern Ireland, to survive the ongoing economic mess.

Oil in the Middle East starts to dwindle, as the fields start to fail. The US sends troops to the region to protect the oils fields that are still producing the black gold. As a result, insurgency springs up in many countries as the population become angry at rising food and fuel costs. During this time Israel attacks Iran, in attempt to seize the oil fields in the country.

Background Fluff (Part 1)

Out in the Far East China decides to take advantage of the global crisis, and they attempt a beach assault on Taiwan. Japan comes to the aid of Taiwan. A small conflict continues in the country, but China becomes distracted by events happening in the Korean peninsula. The events that occur there, forces China to discontinue the conflict in Taiwan, and consolidate troops on the coast and call for a ceasefire. Taiwan is forced to accept the situation and have an occupying force on the island. After this Japan decides to become a neutral nation as does Singapore. Most countries in Asia don’t become embroiled in the further global conflict but are suffering internal issues related to the loss of the global economy. Many are working closely with Australia and New Zealand to try mitigating the economic effects.

Seeing the chaos in the rest of the world the leader of North Korea makes an attempt to invade the south. The conflict grounds to a stale mate after South Korean forces push the north back across the border. They continue to press further north until a stalemate occurs. This situation worries China as they don’t want US or pro-US forces along their border.

Background Fluff (Part 1)

China has also experienced issues along the border with Vietnam, as Vietnamese forces made incursions into China. The PLA has sent troops to the south of the country to deal with the problem. Along the Russian Chinese border a Russian General has made himself a warlord and started to carve out a kingdom for himself in both Russia and across the border in China. This has caused problems for China and so they’ve had to send a military force to deal with the problem.

India in 2034 made a small incursion into China, and after some initial successes were forced to retreat when fighting broke out in the Kashmiri region with Pakistan. The fighting continued until late 2038, before a tense ceasefire was declared. The region is still quite tense but so far, the cease fire has held out.

Australia and New Zealand decide to remain neutral and refuse to aid both Taiwan and South Korea. Elsewhere in Asia local populations are protesting and rioting because of food and fuel shortages. Stock markets around the globe have crashed causing further chaos, this has in turn caused internal issues and problems for many countries.

Background Fluff (Part 1)

In North America there have been border clashes with the cartels who have taken control of Mexico, this has created a wave of refugees trying to escape the violence. One cartel has risen to control all the others, but this was only achieved through violent clashes with the police, military and other cartels. They were able to bribe and pay several of the military to switch sides which aided their rise to the top and eventually control of the country.

In the US there is a growing movement of far-right groups causing internal conflict. It started out mainly as protest but in recent years has descended into domestic terrorism with bombings, targeted attacks and assassination. Civil war breaks out and the USA fractures into separate states/countries. Texas becomes its own country and they swallowed up neighboring states, in recent years they’ve started eyeing up Mexico for possible expansion.

Canada suffered some internal issues, but these were resolved and has since declared itself neutral, as they feared a civil war could break out south of the border in the US.

Background Fluff (Part 1)

South America has managed to avoid most of the violence that has been seen in the rest of the world. Argentina did invade and occupy the Falkland Islands, after a bloody conflict with the British forces stationed there. So far, the UK hasn’t responded to the invasion due to being embroiled in the ongoing conflict in Europe. The US sent a division to Venezuela to take control of the oil fields in the country and prop up a Pro-US puppet regime.

Africa has seen several minor skirmishes as some warlords have risen in the global chaos, though on the whole has remained fairly intact despite the on-going global meltdown. Africa has seen an influx of refugees travelling from Europe trying to find safety. The routes into Africa are controlled by criminal gangs from both Europe and Africa. These criminal gangs also smuggle goods, drugs and weapons in both directions.


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andre77 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

So every potential source of conflict goes on fire and goes on and on. Why not shorten this to: WW3 started. Followed by WW4 and WW5. Actually i can’t see what the start of the 21st century has to do with the start of the 26th century. No ones needs this detailed decription. Its like you want to describe the McCarthy Era with starting in the middle age. I am sorry, when it sounds harsh. When you want to describe the politcal era you may want to look more detailed on the last 20 years maybe 50 years and what… Read more »

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