Five Parsecs From Home
Preparing for Campaign Turn 7
So, I am going to need a model for Aryn Mire and a model for the gene dog. Once again I’ll turn to Fallout Wasteland Warfare for the models as they’ll fit the bill perfectly (and I’ve got a large backlog to get through and every little helps!)
For Aryn, the model will be Desdemona from the Railroad faction (see what I did there?!).
For the gene dog, I’ll go with the armoured version of Dogmeat. I do have the unarmoured version already painted, but the armoured version will be more appropriate for the description I reckon!
The style will be grimier than might be normal in a space opera, but I want these for Fallout too, so I will paint them in my Fallout style. I am also currently mostly on backwater desert worlds so I think it works fine.
The steps are:
1. Spray Prime (usually brown but I’ve run out so it’s Chaotic Red instead!)
2. Drybrush Mournfang Brown
3. Drybrush Ushabti Bone
4. Drybrush white
(These drybrush steps create the under painting for the ‘slap chop’ style that I’m partially employing here)
5. Contrast paints to block in the main colours, using the under painting to create the shadows and highlights. I don’t have many colours at the moment, so I mix them with no specific recipe, but most are shown in the picture.
6. Enamel wash (brown)
7. Light drybrush of Ushabti Bone
8. Weathering pigments
9. Done!
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