Return to Warmachine
Recommendations: 51
About the Project
With the imminent release of Warmachine Mk4 I decided to jump back into the game.
Related Game: Warmachine
Related Company: Privateer Press
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Items to go on the painting table next
Some of you will probably notice some of the minis are resin. These were given to me by Mike McVey a number of years back, they’re studio resins.
Jumping back in
So with the news of Warmachine MK4 I’ve decided to jump back into the game. I use to play quite a lot back in the day. Originally I had a large Khador army as well Oboros for Hordes.
Then about 4-5 years ago everyone I knew stopped playing the game and my collection just gathered dust. So I made the mistake of selling everything because like many I assumed the game had died especially when I couldn’t get any opponents and the local FLGs stopped selling the minis.
I kept some unpainted minis in my grey army and I’ve started painting these up ready for the launch of the new edition.