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Rise of the Ratkin - A custom based Kings of War project

Rise of the Ratkin - A custom based Kings of War project

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The First units

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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So this will be my second Kings of War army – the other half of the war in the holds box set, the Ratkin.

For this, I decided I want to push my 3D modelling skills a bit and do custom bases for each unit.

I’m using the free 3D modelling program Blender for all of this.

First up are my Shock troops (with spears) and slaves/warriors. These had fairly sedate bases as I needed to fit a good number of troops on. First up are my Shock troops (with spears) and slaves/warriors. These had fairly sedate bases as I needed to fit a good number of troops on.
Not that I wasn't able to set the tone.Not that I wasn't able to set the tone.
Next I added Skuz. Skuz has a massive rock under his foot that I needed to model around. This meant some careful measuring and use of blanks to make everything fit - then some added sand/cork rubble to mask the join.Next I added Skuz. Skuz has a massive rock under his foot that I needed to model around. This meant some careful measuring and use of blanks to make everything fit - then some added sand/cork rubble to mask the join.
Vermintide are also a useful unit to have, but there is no model that exists that really does justice to a horde of rats coming for you - so I made one! Vermintide are also a useful unit to have, but there is no model that exists that really does justice to a horde of rats coming for you - so I made one!
For my tunnel runners I had an idea I wanted to exacute, but with the size of the models I had to make a scaled mock up to pull this off. I also did a sewer cover surfing base for my Warlock and a basic one for the Night Terror.For my tunnel runners I had an idea I wanted to exacute, but with the size of the models I had to make a scaled mock up to pull this off. I also did a sewer cover surfing base for my Warlock and a basic one for the Night Terror.
This is one of those models that's really hard to get a good photo of, as it's a great affect, but needs to be seen from multiple angles - this came out pretty much as I saw it in my head and I'm well chuffed with the result! This is one of those models that's really hard to get a good photo of, as it's a great affect, but needs to be seen from multiple angles - this came out pretty much as I saw it in my head and I'm well chuffed with the result!
My warlock is pretty cool as well.My warlock is pretty cool as well.

Next up is my Mutant rat fiend, some clawshots and a custom kitbashed/3D printed weapons team!


So many good ideas, so little time to model!

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