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PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War

PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War

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More Milites Christi for St Mary de Pratis

Tutoring 19
Skill 22
Idea 21
The Milites Christi of St Mary de PratisThe Milites Christi of St Mary de Pratis

I have finished my next units of Milites Christi for my St Mary de Pratis force for my Barons’ War game and I am rather chuffed with the results. I reversed the colours of the ones I had painted on these to give a greater various yet retaining that uniformed look for them.

Coupled with a few simple weapon swaps this has given more variety to them. What I am very proud of is the hand painted shields of St Mary and I thing it sets the right tone for them.

The nice thing is that I can and will be using them for Warhosts new Barons’ War Kiskstarter Outremer.

#stmarydepratis #thebaronswar #historicalgamer #fsinspired #warhost #wargamer #footsore

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work there mate.

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