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War in the holds - The sins of my youth

War in the holds - The sins of my youth

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Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Here is a LEGION OF MY WORST TROOPS! Yes. I intend to keep using that joke.Here is a LEGION OF MY WORST TROOPS! Yes. I intend to keep using that joke.
Here are the still sharp sharpsticks. There was no health and safety back then!Here are the still sharp sharpsticks. There was no health and safety back then!
The Mawbeast are a mix of old and new Squigs, with some old Fanatics as mincers.The Mawbeast are a mix of old and new Squigs, with some old Fanatics as mincers.
The Mantic mawbeasts are to big headed for my tastes, so some oathmark Wolfriders go in - I also use Oathmark Goblins as my luggits.The Mantic mawbeasts are to big headed for my tastes, so some oathmark Wolfriders go in - I also use Oathmark Goblins as my luggits.
The whole lot magnetized and ready to go! The whole lot magnetized and ready to go!
They've already won their first two battles - somehow!They've already won their first two battles - somehow!

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