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German East Africa

German East Africa

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Building some buildings

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I picked up an MDF kit from Sarissa Precision from their Far East range. Looks like it should be suitable as a generic jungle dwelling. I’m honestly not sure exactly how to go about this but we’ll see what happens.

This is the base that the rest of the building gets built up from. I covered it in PVA and sand. Once dry, I used some grey primer on it. This is the base that the rest of the building gets built up from. I covered it in PVA and sand. Once dry, I used some grey primer on it.
Painting the base prior to assembly. Burnt umber acrylic just like the miniature bases. Light drybrush of Skeleton Bone. Virtually all of this will be covered by the building itself. Painting the base prior to assembly. Burnt umber acrylic just like the miniature bases. Light drybrush of Skeleton Bone. Virtually all of this will be covered by the building itself.
First coat of Army Painter Oak Brown. Probably do another coat. First coat of Army Painter Oak Brown. Probably do another coat.
Frames also painted Oak Brown. Frames also painted Oak Brown.
Walls and roof painted Skeleton Bone. Walls and roof painted Skeleton Bone.

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