Let Slip A Dog Of War
God Engine Revisited!!
Well alrighty then!!! Its only been …………… 3 and a half years since I worked on/posted progress on the Warhound!!
Time to dig him back out and get stuck back in!!!
The interior(s) are now finished : Cockpit, enginarium and ……… elevatorium (?) vestibule place….. thingy!!
With the interiors finsihed there was just the intervening door to be painted up and twould be time to break out the pins and the 2 part epoxy and get the upper body assembled – first a wee check to make sure it all goes together keenly and tightly……….
This being a Forgeworld cast of course meant it didnt………. a few snips, cuts n sandings later and we got the pieces to lock in together as good as it was gonna get. Pins, Epoxy, Trigger clamps and a Twitch stream later………..
And it’s solidly together!!!
2022-08-16 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!