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Reply To: Antenocities Workshop gone… Heresy takes up the some of the remnants

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Antenocities Workshop gone… Heresy takes up the some of the remnants Reply To: Antenocities Workshop gone… Heresy takes up the some of the remnants



Yeah, I was gutted by AW suddenly shutting up shop. Always a very high-quality product and most of my Infinity factions used their resin bases in some form or other. I’m hoping this news might mean other parts of AW’s catalogue get picked up to help Jed & co out (they honestly couldn’t seem to catch a break).

And hey! Andy is doing more salvage work as he’s added another set of Special Operators” to the Kickstarter, this time it’s the 3-woman team that were once part of Statuesque Miniatures line before being discontinued. I’m already in for a Komodo suit and some add-ons, might end up with a bit more as well as Andy is a good sort who has also been struggling the last few years as well.

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