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2mm Strength & Honour

2mm Strength & Honour

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Painting a Roman Legion

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 12

Now that we’re up and running with the prints I’m following Project Wargaming’s 2mm Painting Guide.  He was painting Persians but the basic instructions will do for Romans.  The steps are:

Mount a legion’s worth of prints on a card.  Here we have one double sized cohort for Cohort 1.  9 regular cohorts and one tiny legate and officers.

Painting a Roman Legion

Get a big soft brush and slop on red speedpaint all over.

Painting a Roman Legion

Let it dry.  Then focusing on the left had side and lower legs, dry brush on a bit of flesh.  I also brush at random some small patches across the heads but I’m not sure this is visible on the final models.

Painting a Roman Legion

Next we’ve got armour. Most visible on helmets and shoulders so a dry brush across the tops is sufficient.

Painting a Roman Legion

Now a relatively good narrow brush and a straight line of solid red across the front of each block covering all of the shields.  A few quick dabs onto shields on the right hand edge too.

Painting a Roman Legion

Finally cover the whole block in a fairly heavy coat of brown ink with the biggest flat brush I’ve got.  I used Liquitex Raw Umber but any ink or wash will do.  Ensure you cover all four sides as well.  Instant shading.

Tap the card firmly on the desk to work the was right down between the figures and into the supports.

It will be dry in a day or so.  Next to basing.

Painting a Roman Legion

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zoidpinheadJill Gorram Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looking good so far. I’ve been looking at S&H cos it keeps coming up in my youtube recommendations though I suspect it would be at 6mm if I ever try it. 2mm just doesn’t look fun to paint to me, how are you finding it?

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