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Infinity: Defiance & Beyond

Infinity: Defiance & Beyond

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10. Gwailos

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12
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I painted these at sort of the same time as Uma, or rather I did the black armour at the same time as painting Uma.  The rest was finished later so my eyes were much improved by that point.

Ironically I am starting to master my quick method of doing the armour (because I hate painting black) just as I am getting to the end of the Combined army models.  Those that remain are of high enough importance that I may consider painting them properly.  To get the black armour I prime black then drybrush three layers of great, a heavy drybrush of dark grey, a lighter drybrush of mid grey and finally a light highlight of pale grey or white.  Then I thin down some black speed paint and use it like a strongly pigmented wash.  Because of the nice red contrast and other details, your eyes are generally drawn away from the black (and thus all my sins).

10. Gwailos

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Cult of Games Member

Some of my favorite models. Really well done!

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