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I think the problem is I just have a completely different mindset and way of thinking than you do.

I look at your comment about Red Harvest when you said “you’ll pretty much never see it in an organised game because it’s too setting specific.”

I saw Red Harvest what I loved about was the little mining setup. In my head I went that is amazing I can use that in a ton of games why has nobody thought of doing that before. Frostgrave, StarGrave, Saga, D&D, AOS, 40K. How many times have we seen in classic fantasy films, books and Sci-Fi advetures around a mine as a central feature.

When you say you dont see value in any of the 40K and AOS starter. If you mean personally because your not interested in them okay. But if you cannot look beyond that and judge the quality of the models for the price you pay and see that is good value that is on you. They work out about 1.50 a model for that quality.

You talk about firefight. But you seem to ignore the firefightset with the 2 vehicles which comes in at 152 pounds which is a lot closer to the 180 HH and a better way to compare it. The spartan tank in HH is massive you cannot compare that to what you get the FF 90 pound box. This is where I dont see your mindset. I dont see how anyoen looks at the 90 FF box and believe it is on the same level of quality and content to 180 HH box.

Maybe I am wrong but I would be willing to bet that sales in the HH boxset dwarfed Firefights.


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