Dug's Dead Man's Hand
Ramshackle Barn
Renedra plastic terrain. I still have some ladders and pitch forks etc. to paint up for this kit, but the building and painting of the main structure is done.
I used mostly spray paint to get this done. Army Painter Leather Brown, Halford Red primer on the doors, Halfords Grey on the roof. Then I used some model mates Mud brown spray over mostlt the walls. It still didn’t look quite right so I dry brushed everything with wraithbone to bring out the tiles and boards and then dulled it all back down again with Contrast Paints. (Snakebite Leather on the doors, Watered down Wyldwood Brown on most of the boards, and some Creed Camo moss / water damage on the roof.) The windows are straight Wraithbone white and some Nulin Oil, orange and Leadbelcher were used on the rusty hinges.
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