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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book twenty : Sword of the samurai

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
Off to the Titan version of the far East and the land of Hachiman in this shogun inspired adventure. I always thought the cover was cool but I don't remember playing this one as a child. By Jamie Thomson and Mark Smith who delve into Japan mythology with some nasty undead types. We are sent off on a mission by the shogun to recover his stolen katanga from ikiru the master of shadows. This book has a skill list we can choose from to improve our character. One interesting rule is an honour system. We gain points for good deeds and if we loose enough we commit suicide. Off to the Titan version of the far East and the land of Hachiman in this shogun inspired adventure. I always thought the cover was cool but I don't remember playing this one as a child. By Jamie Thomson and Mark Smith who delve into Japan mythology with some nasty undead types. We are sent off on a mission by the shogun to recover his stolen katanga from ikiru the master of shadows. This book has a skill list we can choose from to improve our character. One interesting rule is an honour system. We gain points for good deeds and if we loose enough we commit suicide.
This dragon wants you to solve a riddle to get past him so you can't just go killing your way to victory. This dragon wants you to solve a riddle to get past him so you can't just go killing your way to victory.
Yay we get a companion who pledges to our service and follows us on our journey. Yay we get a companion who pledges to our service and follows us on our journey.
We have to fight a variety of Demons at the end and we can call upon all is to fight them and we can pick and choose who fights who with various outcomes. I enjoyed this book for the first time as an adult and the setting is an interesting change. We have to fight a variety of Demons at the end and we can call upon all is to fight them and we can pick and choose who fights who with various outcomes. I enjoyed this book for the first time as an adult and the setting is an interesting change.
Book twenty : Sword of the samurai

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Always one of my favourites alongside Midnight Rogue and Forest of Doom

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