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UK Games Expo 2022: Saturday Live Blog

UK Games Expo 2022: Saturday Live Blog

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Interested In Games Design? Head On Over To The Canterbury Christ Church University Stall!


CCCU is attending UKGE to showcase their Game Design course, and bringing lots of titles with them to the event to show what their students have produced.

Displaying board and card games from students who have attended, and getting technical with what the course has to offer. Including technical and creative skills to not just showcase on the tabletop, but development for computer, mobile and digital avenues.

If you have considered a career and games design – be sure to head over to CCCU for more information on the course.

Interested In Games Design? Head On Over To The Canterbury Christ Church University Stall!

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orlandothetechnicolouredzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Brilliant work for the future of the gaming industry.


Always impressive to see new stuff developing, i know i couldn’t do it

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