PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War
I have started The Welsh
I have finished the fir4st unit for my Welsh and it seems fitting that I start with the commander, Gwyrdd Llachar ap Sion, and his Noble bodyguard. There is painful little information of the medieval Welsh and gone with what information I can find and site like this, Regia Anglorum. I wanted to go for a mix of Celtic and medieval and I unified the unit by the use of Reds, Welsh were known for their red shirts and red cloaks, and green. I have also gone for a dragon motif too for their shields.
Gwyrdd Llachar, the name says it all 😉 I’m no specialist in medieval warfare (at all!), but from experience do know that the dragon as a Welsh symbol is always red, as opposed to the white English dragon. I also do not know of it being used in personal heraldry. There the lion is much more common, although not as ‘celtic’ as one might like. That said: very much a fan of your paint work. Did you combine the more celtic symbols with the arms of the kingdom of Gwynedd? That does make the Welsh a more distinct and recognisable… Read more »
Yes I did combine the arms of the Kingdom of Gwynedd and thanks for that information about the dragons I really wasnt aware about the white and red dragons.