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Dreadball Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2022

Dreadball Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2022

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Gallery Continued And Ended

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
2x Zee Bucanners2x Zee Bucanners

There we go.  That’s 70 Dreadbal models done in under 8 weeks.  There’s 12 models not painted and they don’t count.  I’ve 10 more prisoner models I have no use for so I’ll give away at some point, and two more Zee guards.  I’m already at max allowance so they’re going in my bits box.  perhaps one day they’ll get used as base decorations for something big, or turned in to Stargrave monsters?

Project over.  I’ll have to see if I can get some games in now.

From my master spreadsheet.  Satisfying to see, at last.From my master spreadsheet. Satisfying to see, at last.

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