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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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Earning that learning!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Had a blast yesterday vs the nids; end score 67 to 46 in favour of the Star Children but learned loads as always.

Was very happy I was able to get 15 for physical ritual with my Patriarch and 18 for Sabotage Critical location with my Saboteur and Jackals.

After a few failed charges with my Goliath and Acolytes in the backfield I was swarmed. Those new termagants are a royal pain and totally overcame my Aberrants!

I still want to swap out my Purestrains maybe for some more Aberrants and want to change out from my cults secondaries to find some more point scoring secondaries perhaps Assassinate instead of the Crossfire points. Perhaps would have been a different end score!

Disclaimer the knight wasn’t in the battle but I just wanted to show my work to my opponent Shay and get a family photo ?

Family photo Family photo
Close up of KnightClose up of Knight
Knight vs TyrannofexKnight vs Tyrannofex
Trygon vs GoliathTrygon vs Goliath
So many genestealers So many genestealers
I’d love to see this match up vs the Tyranid warriors! I’d love to see this match up vs the Tyranid warriors!

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