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Giftmas 2022

Giftmas 2022

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You know you did well when...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The moment you look at a group of figures ans you want to keep them for yourself is when you know it was an amount of effort that has paid dividends. The first batch is done. The second group has been settled with basing and hit with the base colors. I’ve made a decision on how to make them stand out and I believe it will work. We’ll all see how it comes out in the end. I also have that third selection to process once the bases arrive so I’m actually doing this hobby thing. The Sundancer Select (I think that’s a rather catchy title, if I may say so myself) has been undergoing some technical rework so it might be more than I intended initially. Like Darkvoivod and the wargaming9 Dragonfiend Dollhouse (Lisa Simpson can keep her Malibu Stacy unless its all upscaled Frostgrave) this thing grows beyond intendes scope.

Another bit of information that I’ve run my head back and forth over has been the fact that these are gaming pieces. I’m aware of the Gerry Cans on noting sealants and I’m pretty much settling on a clear floor sealant to spray on everything once I’m done. Warren’s notoriety for dropping things and my own clumsiness with such light plastics made the decision for me. I was steered away from clear resins for boating by the absolute state of the price for not only the resins but the thinning/cleaning agents I’d need to use when spraying. I know the pain of having lost an airbrush to clogging and having to replace it. That won’t happen again.


Addendum: I have come up with a name for John’s present and I can’t stop laughing. I’ll warn Warren now to be ready. I also believe it will tie nicely into Justin’s. I need no ab workout after this.

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