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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Day 29 - Finishing touches

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The penultimate day is upon me and so i have begun the final touches.

looking over the bots there are a few common areas left to paint:

  • tracks
  • weapons
  • metalwork
  • tyres

to make life simpler for me i grouped the bots based on what needed to be painted, so all of those with tracks went into one group, and those with tyres into another.  Every bot (bar Humvee) had a weapon of some kind, and the majority also had some metalwork (internal mechanics or grates etc).

First i painted the tracks, these were basecoated with vallejo game color extra opaque heavy sienna, this gives a nice ruddy brown foundation which i then highlighted with a mix of the sienna and p3 traitor green. This was then recess washed with secret weapon sewer water to give the tracks a grimy effect.


Day 29 - Finishing touches

The tyres were first based in secret weapon rubber, then highlighted with secret weapon rubber highlight before getting a wash of secret weapon soft body black. This leaves a slightly gloss finish but they will all get matte varnished before gaming.


For the metal work and weapons these were already basecoated in vallejo model color German grey, so I simply sketched out highlights of P3 sickly skin before given them a glaze of Vallejo model color deep sea green to add an interesting colour change for the bots.


With these details painted its time to call it a night, but I’ll leave you with some shots of the finished details

Tyres and weaponTyres and weapon
Tracks and metalsTracks and metals
Weapons, metals (chest) and tracksWeapons, metals (chest) and tracks
A little group shot A little group shot

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