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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Day 25 - Blackwheel

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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A short update today because I’m knackered.

After painting another Blackwheel recently (see my other project), I did debate painting this one in the original art, however I decided against it for faction coherency, meaning only Oleeta will be different as she is a Sell Sword and can be used by other factions.


So Blackwheel got my normal green workup only i decided to add some vallejo dark sea blue to some parts to increase interest. This colour will most likely be used in the coming days to paint weapons and other details as I think it fits the scheme well.

Blackwheel is the last of the bots I’ll be painting for this challenge, so from here on it will be final details and basing to wrap up this project on the 30th April.

Blackwheel, the leader of the Mercenaries factionBlackwheel, the leader of the Mercenaries faction

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