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Making a fist of Indomitus

Making a fist of Indomitus

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So I did some research on making the resin more transparent, the main thing recommended by blokes on youtube was to sand it with very fine grit sandpaper. This is not really an option here so I went the second recommendation which was to use a gloss varnish.

The picture above shows the result, the one on the left is as it came off the printer once cleaned and cured, the middle one has a coat of galeria gloss varnish and the one on the right has a coat of 2k lacquer.

I was very pleased with the 2k lacquer but the disadvantage is you need to mix the can before use and once mixed you only have a couple of days to use it (I could find out how long it lasts but internet seemed to range between 24 hours and few days).

Below as couple of other pieces I had lying around and they are much clearer after a coat of the lacquer.

The bottom image is of the finished result with a bit of paint on the hit.

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