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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Well until yesterday, apart from some bits of terrain, have virtually finished, but yesterday brought 5 Random Salvage boxes, and dropped lucky with the right mechs to do 2 out of the 3 Grey Death Legion from Helm , to go with Carlyle’s Marauder and Lay’s Rifleman.

Anyway Today I thought I’d do a shoot of the 101st Knights Mercian RCT , now as we call back shots the Lloydy shot, Gerry on Sundancers Unofficial Hobby Hangout loved the shot of the whole of my 7th Fedcom so whole army photos should be dubbed the Gerry shots.

Today as I said 101st RCT, tomorrow Clan Ghost Bear followed by Knight Mercian Forlorn Hope.

Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!
Nearly Done and The Gerry shots!

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