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Making a fist of Indomitus

Making a fist of Indomitus

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And now for some drones

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Skill 5
Idea 5
And now for some drones
And now for some drones
And now for some drones
And now for some drones
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new finished modelsnew finished models

I’ve been working on some drones that I had the parts for, mostly markerlight and shield drones but there were a few others in there. Also I’ve added a shield to one of them from deadly print studio, not as clear as I would like but I’m going to try some gloss varnish on it to see if that makes a difference.

I also had a battlesuit left over and the new darkstrider and ethereal on a frisbee and couple of older ethereals, a fireblade and an old model for darkstrider. I repainted the skin following the masterclass on warhammer+ and tided up the armour etc. on those. I also had to move the head of darkstrider round as I had glued it looking the wrong way and his hair didnt line up.

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hairybrainsspea6712 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Love the force shield is that bought or printed?

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