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Spring Cleaning with Slaanesh

Spring Cleaning with Slaanesh

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Slaanesh provides divine inspiration

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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  • I started off with 4 figures, to make an army I had to buy some stuff.
  • 1 box of Chaos Space Marines
  • Two of each Noise Marine upgrade kits
  • Chaos half of Eldritch Omens
  • Venom Crawler
  • Two Greater Possessed

I spent two days building them and then I could start painting. I started with a black undercoat followed by a thinned black paint followed by three progressive dry brushes finishing with a light grey.

I then painted all of the chosen armour panels in GW Genestealer Purple, a couple of the models have had their flesh painted, a mix off Army Painter (AP) Barbarian Flesh and GW Daemonette Hide.

I am mow onto the dreaded gold phase, I have completed one Noise Marine and started the Venom Crawler, this is going to take a longtime  hence starting this project to inspire me to keep going.

The Army consisting of 10 Noise Marines, 5 Chosen, 2 Greater Possessed,  Datasmith, Venom Crawler, Forge Feind, 2 Heddonite Cultists, and that marine.The Army consisting of 10 Noise Marines, 5 Chosen, 2 Greater Possessed, Datasmith, Venom Crawler, Forge Feind, 2 Heddonite Cultists, and that marine.
The original Noise Marine and two Greater Possessed. From my understanding the Greater Pissesed will be no more in new codex instead we will just have Possessed with new models which these two will be compatible with. I have special plans for this Noise Marine.The original Noise Marine and two Greater Possessed. From my understanding the Greater Pissesed will be no more in new codex instead we will just have Possessed with new models which these two will be compatible with. I have special plans for this Noise Marine.
The Noise Marines, to fix the arms involved quite a bit of sanding of the torso arm fixing points  particularly on the right side where the shoulder padded arm fixes, the leader has the sword hand ( arm removed from junction with glove) and back pack from upgrades pack, I also removed the Doom Siren mouthpiece from one of the heads in upgrade pack and added it to a plastic head. In the future I intend to add 10 more Noise Marines to this squad.The Noise Marines, to fix the arms involved quite a bit of sanding of the torso arm fixing points particularly on the right side where the shoulder padded arm fixes, the leader has the sword hand ( arm removed from junction with glove) and back pack from upgrades pack, I also removed the Doom Siren mouthpiece from one of the heads in upgrade pack and added it to a plastic head. In the future I intend to add 10 more Noise Marines to this squad.
Chaos Chosen, leader is armed with a Plasma pistol and power sword (from the Slaangor model), 2 are armed with Power Swords, bolt pistols and bolt guns, one is armed with twinned lightening claws  and the other has a power fist and Plasma pistol. I intend to get 5 more of these arming them with Combi-bolters and special/heavy weapons.Chaos Chosen, leader is armed with a Plasma pistol and power sword (from the Slaangor model), 2 are armed with Power Swords, bolt pistols and bolt guns, one is armed with twinned lightening claws and the other has a power fist and Plasma pistol. I intend to get 5 more of these arming them with Combi-bolters and special/heavy weapons.
My first two cultist  taken from the Underworlds Heddonite models, added a holsters pistol to the girl, and added knife and auto pistol, along with a shotgun sheathed in what was the arrow quiver from the Gwnestealer Cultist sprue. My next purchase will be a box of Bliss Barb Archers, along with Escher/ Delaque/ Genestealer Cultists weapon arms from ebay.My first two cultist taken from the Underworlds Heddonite models, added a holsters pistol to the girl, and added knife and auto pistol, along with a shotgun sheathed in what was the arrow quiver from the Gwnestealer Cultist sprue. My next purchase will be a box of Bliss Barb Archers, along with Escher/ Delaque/ Genestealer Cultists weapon arms from ebay.
A better picture of Cultists.A better picture of Cultists.
The Venom Crawler. I have added the top half of the Slaangor model to create a centaur like Daemon Engine the joint is hidden with various cables and Gribblies from the bits box and the sword arm is replaced with a metallic tentacle from Forge Fiend kit, I might create one more of these?The Venom Crawler. I have added the top half of the Slaangor model to create a centaur like Daemon Engine the joint is hidden with various cables and Gribblies from the bits box and the sword arm is replaced with a metallic tentacle from Forge Fiend kit, I might create one more of these?

I doubt I will be posting for a while as I have the mammoth task of painting all the gold trim, followed by any fleshy bits, then everything painted so far will be given a purple wash, then I will close down my painting to doing squads……. probably?

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