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Cult of Games Member

IIRC the ‘exo-armour’ was for the hearthguard … the elite bodyguard for the king/leader/general.

Then again … the space marines got space marines inside powered armor that made terminators look like the least armored unit in their army list.

Standard troops had flak jackets and helmets like the Imperial Guard did.

There is plenty of room for interesting units. I’m not sure how much GW (is willing to) deviate from the original concepts.
The space nuns were pretty much slightly modernized/better proportioned versions of their classic originals.

The one new squat looks different, but it’s only one model and we don’t know what he is (leader, elite, soldier, specialist ?).

@brianfowler713 sexy squats ? As if space dwarves aren’t sexy enough … just ask Ben 😉
(they haven’t done sexy Orks, have they ?)

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