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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Challenge accepted

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 10
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Earlier today i decided to post in the Bot War facebook group, it was a simple post showing off my Mercenaries faction in their packets and a message saying how i wanted to get them painted this month ahead of the global campaign that starts in July.  I was then challenged by Anthony (Traders Galaxy & Bot War mastermind) to do just that, paint up everything in that photo in April and post daily progress.

Challenge accepted !


The photo that started it allThe photo that started it all

So i have a couple of reasons for accepting this challenge:

  1. The time limit: i am no stranger to completing month long painting challenges, in fact i have several Golden Buttons for documenting previous ones, and i recently completed one in February which saw me paint a whopping 48 models from scratch over the 28 days, and i also finished off another 15 bots plus a titan class bot that i started in the last weeks of January.
  2. The painting: its only 20 models, over 30 days. Not all of these bots are a full size bot however, 4 of them are symbiote sized meaning they are very easy to paint and i could theoretically get all 4 done in an evening. These mercenary bots are also hybrid sculpts of different bodies, some of which i have already painted so i have an idea of how to approach the, and can reuse the same techniques for painting things like caterpillar tracks


Im feeling pretty confident about this, and after having a relatively relaxed March im geared up and ready to attack more of my backlog !

The Bot War rages on !

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Cult of Games Member

Ooh congratulations on the gold button @rum8le just watched the XLBS Show.

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