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Spring Clean Challenge Bauhaus Imperial Guard

Spring Clean Challenge Bauhaus Imperial Guard

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Daddy wouldn't buy me a Bauhaus

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 10

Having done well in previous Spring Clean Hobby Challenges

with my Slaine project getting a runners up prize and the year before with my Sassanids finally hitting the table in full effect I was keen to get another majorly stalled project over the line.  This time I’m looking at my Imperial Guard force which is basically a Warzone Bauhaus army.

This is what we start with:

Daddy wouldn't buy me a Bauhaus

Working from the top right across each row we have:

1x GW Basilisk self-propelled gun (painted)
1x Archon Studios Mammoth Walker (zenithed)
3x Prodos Grizzly Tanks (zenithed)
2x Target Games Strike Skimmers (undercoated)
10x Target Games Mounted Hussars on dinosaurs (undercoated)
6x Target Games Vulcan Battlesuits
1x GW Armoured Scout Sentinel
Infantry left hand column:
10x Target Games Jungle Kommandos (undercoated)
3 units of 10x Target Games plastic Ducal Militia (painted)
Infantry central column:
10x Target Games Hussars
10x Target Games Ducal Militia in night strike uniform (painted)
2 units of 10x Games Workshop Mordian Iron Guard (part painted)
Infantry right column:
8x Target Games Jaegers
4x 2 man sniper teams Scotia Grendel Urban Wars Viridians (undercoated)
8x Target Games metal Ducal Militia Commanders (painted)
APC scratch built based on Tamiya Sd. Kfz. 251 with a Forgeworld turret (painted)
Working across the bottom row from the left we see some Venners Crimean War Russian flags
3x Target Games Ducal Militia HMG teams (painted)
8x Converted Grenadiers using Wargames Atlantic Grognard bodies and arms and Warlord Games Crimean Russian heads (unpainted)
8x High Command, various manufacturers, mostly GW (part painted)
Mounted Target Games Venusian Ranger Commander (painted)
Super Heavy machine gun from the Target Games Bauhaus Bunker set (undercoated)
3x Games Workshop Mordian Iron Guard heavy weapons teams, 1 Rocket Launcher and 2 Lascannons (part painted)

So we have 120 infantry, 7 heavy weapons teams, 15 vehicles and 11 cavalry.

The plan is to get them painted and based in a matching scheme prior to the conclusion of this Spring Clean Challenge.

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