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Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions Firefight with 40k minis for noobs: Help wanted Reply To: Firefight with 40k minis for noobs: Help wanted



I’m going to start at the bottom and work up, because I’m like that.

Rules generally get their free release a month after the retail launch of the game, I expect this to be the same for Firefight.

Mantic have said that they will not be releasing an UE style book but they do have plans for new factions in the future, rebs, goblins, nameless, and a secret faction they’ve not mentioned yet.

Fitting 40K armies into Firefight is actually quite tricky, Mantic’s universe is more rounded than 40K in some ways being more hard sci-fi than space fantasy.

The seven factions that will be in the Firefight Rule Book are

  1. Enforcers
  2. Forge Fathers
  3. Marauders
  4. GCPS
  5. Plague
  6. Veer Myn
  7. Asterians

Enforcers and Forge Fathers would both work for the power armoured troops.

Marauders are orcs so fairly easy to map.

GCPS Imperial Guard

That ends the easy ones

Plague, would actually work for 40K orcs again, but also for Tyranids, you could run them as demons there are melee only options like zombies, stage 2a leapers, dogs and murderbirds.

Veer Myn again could be orcs again.

Asterians, yes they are space elves but when you’re a dying race you don’t go out in the field you send 1 guy to run a hundred robots. So yes you can run them as eldar but actually you could fit necrons in there as well, or indeed mix them.

Mantic don’t do ridiculous sized kits so all the overpriced nonsense will have to stay on the shelf, sorry.




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