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Morituri te salutant

Morituri te salutant

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Are you not entertained.

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Next up it was time to expand on the available combatants.


First up, the Cestus.

The Cestus wear heavy knuckleduster type gloves but little or no armour.  They were most often used in fights against slaves where they would literally beat their opponents to death.

Eventually they were banned because of the excessive brutality.  Hard to imagine given how brutal the condemned were treated.

Are you not entertained.

Next the Hoplomachus.

The Hoplomachus carried a spear, sword, and shield.  Often with quilted armour on the legs.  This is a heavily armoured fighter, and this is reflected in my rules by its slower speed but better protection.  The spear can be thrown or used to attack its opponent whilst staying somewhat out of reach.

Are you not entertained.

After that is the Murmillo.

The Murmillo was often paired against the Hoplomachus or Thracian.  This is probably what most people imagine when they picture Gladiators.  Armed with the Roman gladius sword and scutum large shield.  This is a medium weight gladiator in my rules with average armour and speed.

Are you not entertained.


The condemned.  Ill-treated, poorly trained, and condemned to die.  Crude weapons, often blunest the poor wretches have little hope of survival.  In my rules these always start the game in poor shape.  With low speed and no armour don’t expect them to last long.  However, they are cheap.

Are you not entertained.

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