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Soap Dodger’s Nomands

Soap Dodger’s Nomands

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Project Blog by soapdodger Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 387

About the Project

A follow along with the creation updating and painting of my Nomads force for Code One & Infinity the game.

This Project is Completed

Nomads Background and getting started.

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
1 Comment

Nomads are a collection of 3 massive city ships travelling between the worlds of the human sphere. Self Exiled from the control and the Micromanagement of the AI Aleph.  Depending on what ship arrives at your door looking to trade will determine what the best good on offer are. Be it information, Labour, or illicit goods and activities. If you want anything in the Sphere ask a Nomad, just don’t ask where it came from when it arrives.

I love the theme of nomads and thanks to Code One I get to try them out. I have not played them since Operation Ice Storm days a few years ago in N3. I promised not to collect them for Infinity so a Friend could collect and use them exclusively. I had a Clinton moment and I do not class Code One is Infinity as that’s N4 now…

Again I like Code One as I can dip my toes in the water for little investment (not if you collect them all like me) and there is an end game. Collect all the basic code one sets and you have enough models to not only play Code One but move on up to an N4 sectorial. If you like Robots and hacking then Nomads may be for you.

If you wish to go direct to N4 you have a few options. Vanilla Nomads, Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor, Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin and Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska. Additionally you will find a selection of Nomad units available in other forces specifically the non aligned Army’s (NA2). The Code one forces are pretty much the Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor but these models cross over with Vanilla Nomads.

  • Vanilla Nomads are generic but still have lots of hacking which they are great at. They have lots of  remote and tag options as this is a faction trait, but don’t expect these to be top of the line. Another faction trait is that their units usually have multiple things they are good at. Only drawback of all of these options is that unlike sectorials, currently you cant have fireteams which are squad like arrangements of troops that can add power and flexibility depending on how they are composed.


  • Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor, Have some great Fireteam Options and the units have abilities to make these very flexible. They are probably the closest to a punch you right in the face Sectorial that Nomads have with Basic simple options available making this my choice if you said I love Nomads and want to start infinity with them. (still not my first choice faction for that at all)


  • Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin are the oddities faction. If you like religion in your games and odd creatures this ones for you. They have great cheap units but in my experience in playing against them, they can cover some bases but not even close to all. If you have the wrong list matchup your are going right to pound town and they seem to focus on being hard to hit with good weapon options but lack the variety  and flexibility of other the other sectorial’s.


  • Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska have a great balance of sneak, fire power and armour. They have the so called best hacker in the game (in my experience this is the one that does what you need it to do). They disrupt your movement and actions with Hacking, take hits with their armour and can shoot you off the table if you let them. Again in certain situations lack the multi skills required to be swiss army knives but they tend to use hacking like a hammer and all of your enemies are nails.

Again Sectorial come with some additional rules you need to learn so if I was recommending to a new player I would say Code One Or a Vanilla force is the way to start. Just because it sounds dull does not make these options non competitive. Will you come first at  the Interplanitario Tournament with them… No. Could you place in a local tournament. Yes.

Talking of new players if You wish to get into infinity here are some links:

Code one Rules (full free rules)

Code One Infinity Army (full free army builder)

N4 Rules (full free rules)

N4 Infinity Army (full free army builder)

If you want more Lore and additional free things like tokens, quick start guides, FAQ’s you can go to

In the army builder app you can also click on each skill that will open up perhaps the best feature which is the WIKI  This prevents you having to look up the rulebook for any less used skills during play and really speeds things up and takes you right to what you need.

There are multiple Facebook groups for Infinity as well as some of us here on OTT. My Experience of both of these things is hugely positive and the community as a whole is very supportive and helpful. There is also the Corvus Belli Community Forum this can be slightly more salty in here but I have not seen that directed at players more to CB themselves on occasion.

Crimson Stone Nomads part of the Code One starter painted by SergioCrimson Stone Nomads part of the Code One starter painted by Sergio

So they don’t have a full faction map launched for this yet. I think there is one more release on the way before the possibly last two factions to be introduced to Code One (though they could do 4 more if they wanted to make some people very happy) This will still follow the roll out plan for Code One Factions. The Starter set, the Beyond starter set (this later gets replaced with an action pack with both of these options) A support pack, A dire foes with two of the three models usable by Nomads. A couple of Characters which were launch exclusives or different sculpts that can be obtained later. A remote pack. and two booster packs. As of the day I am writing this I think all the options apart from Booster pack Beta are available. I have everything released either purchased or ordered. As soon as the sets are complete I may be able to delete this section and put in the pretty picture of it all.

I have played no games as Nomad bar the initial starter missions in operation Ice storm which never used the full units profiles. So please take everything as a pinch of salt. I have played them a number of times but which sectorial I played at what time is a bit fuzzy.

Painting and a section of why this doesn't contain a step by step.

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10

Time to fess up, In this section was supposed to be a video painting tutorial / walkthrough. However I did record this and although this is comparable with some video content you see on YouTube it was not to my standards or taste so it didn’t make the cut at this time. I would have tried again but it was the last model of the set.

To give you an idea of the issues I was facing, (may want to skip this section if you don’t care about it and want to get the the mini content) my camera mounting options are pretty much my hands, tripod and a tiny dolly. This is fine for setup shots taking stills and even a short burst Video. I thought this was ok, I used a 55-200mm lens and went in at about 100mm to fill the frame with some wiggle room in post. I  positioned the same over my shoulder and blasted as much light as I could  from good angles. Sorted? No the colour was way off, my idea to keep the settings on auto and just point and film were naïve. Autofocus though great on people is bad on miniatures. I seen the problems and thought, I will try and correct in post. So stopped after  the prep stage. Changed to manual focus but stopped short of going full manual  for camera settings (as I don’t really know what I’m doing for Video). I was capturing the video in OBS and using my DSLR as a webcam. (also creates quality issues but lets leave that one) I took the first long clip into DaVinci and while I could correct the colour (mostly) it looked odd, unnatural and “enhanced”. The focus was an issue but I could edit around that. I thought my corrections would have been enough. They were not. Now if you know about all this stuff you may be screaming my errors out. Sadly I learn by doing things multiple different ways until something works or I give up. looking at other painting setups the camera seems to be way closer to the subject. No one seems to be using larger lenses to get up close and if they are they tend to be for a close up shot not moving the camera further back. I feel this is probably to do with the quality of light and getting more correct colour. I found filming in my make shift setup very uncomfortable as well. High powered lights on for hours at a time on a subject while it’s hot outside, does not make a happy painter and causes more than a few unhappy accidents that don’t happen in other situations. So I think I need the camera closer and more flexible and my lights further away for comfort. That’s my next step.  So enough of my filming woes lets talk about the painting here anyway.

Now you see why a picture is worth a thousand words.

The “Pink”

So I wanted to reclaim magenta. It’s a misunderstood colour. “Pink” is mixture of Magenta, Yellow (to make red) and white. Magenta is just Magenta. If you add White to Magenta it’s a light Magenta if you add black it’s a dark magenta it doesn’t change the colour only the value.  If you add white and black or grey it becomes a desaturated magenta again not changing the colour.

Magenta gets it’s odd place in the male dominated world of wargaming and miniature painting from Barbie, The logo is more Magenta than pink. That’s why “Barbie Pink” in most cases (sure they have messed this up with multiple people doing it over the years) is Magenta and not Pink.  This has lead to a number (not all) of frankly “joke” forces being put together painted Pink (or Magenta).

This has driven some to say the act of finding these forces funny or mocking them is misogynistic if you consider the “pink” as feminine and thus weak and underserving of being a colour choice of a force which is strong and masculine. While I myself will stop short getting (further) into gender politics of colour choices in wargaming (great dissertation title) it has created a gap in army or force colours across the hobby. I do not personally like pastel colours which is what I consider pink to be, red pastel. I however love magenta.

I took the box art and put it into photoshop and changed the hue until the reds were Magenta and pumped up the greys blues until they showed their true colour. The Intruder caught my eye here with his gun. I think I have my paint scheme.

I have only really ever painted the box art scheme for infinity minus a few exceptions or one off’s for people.  This did make me nervous, however I really like the balance the colour choice has and this is a good way to find a half way house from something truly original and the box art.

Box art, changed hue in photo editing software.Box art, changed hue in photo editing software.

Then there is this “rule” in painting not only miniatures that you should introduce more colour into a painting by changing the colour and not just the lightness and darkness of colour to change the value to make your volumes.  While I agree with this rule in principal in practice everyone breaks it at points but rarely does anyone stick two fingers at it, even by accident and produces a good result.

I  wanted gradients to be the main way of showing volume as there are a lot of bots in the nomads force. I have a habit of always making straps leather unless it clashes then I move to black. That was a no brainer. I also replaced the jade like colour with flow green as the jade was to similar to the turquoise I wished to use. These are small accents. I should have kept to theme and used back and white to shade the yellow. While this is possible as I have done it, it’s super sensitive to mix quantities due to the opacity of the yellow when you add the tiniest dot of black. So switched this up to a dark red/brown. Sadly this choice made the yellows much warmer than I wanted but I didn’t get as frustrated with the yellows. Oddly this closer matched by box art remix.

You will also notice this is very close to Cyan Magenta and Yellow. This isn’t by accident but I do feel the proportions are different.

I also use desaturated Turquoise and desaturated Magenta by adding white and black this gives great contrast without changing the colour.

Colour SchemeColour Scheme

These are all the paints I used for everything.

The yellow’s reds magenta and oranges gave me options for skin tones and browns as well as my yellow.

White black and magenta gave me my magentas.

Turquoise white and blacks gave me the turquoise (almost Cyan).

I have florescent green green ink for the greens.

Varnish for varnish and glaze medium to support my blending.

Quite limited which is what I wanted the only addition was in basing and I used rust pigments and a black.

The variety in colour I think was very good considering and I don’t feel the colours and dull and lifeless as people imagine when mostly just adding white black and grey to colours.  Though in saying that could I have got a better magenta and cyan style by mixing it up with reds and blues for lights and darks? Yes. Would it have been more difficult? No. So why didn’t you do it? to prove (to myself) it’s not always a bad thing to do even taking it to the excess. This has removed my guilt for sometimes being lazy and not reaching for another colour when I have black and white on my pallet.

Paints usedPaints used

As ever art is subjective. I am not asking or forcing you to like what I have done, approve of my colour choices and rationalisation. If your reading this (which I think about 2 people will, I hope that it makes you think about your choices. Are they choices or is convivence choosing for you? because it does for me.  If you like it or not, I think I have loads of room for improvement in painting. Putting limitations and boundary’s on things you take for granted helps me think deeper about what and how I paint. For most it’s how to get mini’s done better, quicker and with less effort. For my it’s about getting my monies worth.

So that’s it, instead of a video probably focusing on the action painting rather than the colour selection and reasoning.

Nomad section of Crimson Stone

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11

These are nomad models from the Crimson Stone 2 player starter.

  • 3x Alguacil
  • 1x Sombra
  • 1x Evader
  • 1x Hellcat
  • 1x Intruder

It come up with a number of the more core units.


These are the basic troopers on Nomads. Only to be feared by Warcors

All of the options none of the skill if you have already got an Alguacil  in your list and spare SWC then why not spend it on an inconsistent heavy weapon or sniper rifle. You can play hide the lieutenant but in my experience this only leads to wasted lieutenant orders. Great cheer leaders though. Which is a term used as models only taken for their order to be used on others.

“The Alguaciles are the military police regiment of Corregidor, often repurposed as light infantry for defence purposes or as mercenary troops. They are one of Corregidor’s most profitable assets, regularly hired out as soldiers of fortune with the quality assurance of being the official professional light infantry corps of Corregidor. They can deploy to cover global areas of operations, and they are qualified for a broad spectrum of missions to advance the interests and agendas of Corregidor, the Nomad Nation, or whoever is signing their checks at the time.

Alguaciles are good soldiers; skilled, obstinate people who give it their very best each time while running their mouths like sailors. Their service record might not be as flashy and above-board as that of their foreign counterparts, but it is certainly much longer, and everyone in the Alguacil corps has seen several campaigns worth of combat, if not always for the same side. Professionalism and endurance are their main appeals in the international mercenary market, where their services are always in high demand.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Alguacil 1Alguacil 1
Alguacil 2Alguacil 2
Alguacil 3Alguacil 3


These are your “Surprise Mother Fu**er” models. they have forward deployment to get them into position faster along with climbing plus to support them getting into that needed position or to get to that target. Camo to make your opponent waste time and orders discovering or moving multi spectral visor guys to see them. Their weapon options are quite good with red fury which gives you a lot of dice at medium optimal range or  breaker combi rifle / light shotgun for those close encounters. They also have surprise attack meaning that when you chose to let yourself be seen with a rifle pointed at someone’s forehead they even have a penalty to hit you back on top of mimetism which also gives a penalty. Problem is if they shoot and hit you there is a good chance your going to die so don’t go face first into a template weapon like a light shotgun or flamethrower.

“Their minimum-albedo vacuum suits make them blend in with the shadows that give them their name, and they become invisible until they strike, the decisive moment, and usually the final one for their unsuspecting enemies. Sombras are the invisible killer lurking out there where the vacuum of space becomes darker and more oppressive, the nightmare of any newbie venturing into the void for the first time. Their goal is no longer money, but enemies, prey to be taken down and marked with the Sombra’s unit stickers they always carry around.”



With a name like Evader, you would expect them to be dodging masters great at avoiding shots with deft and nimble movements. But not Evaders comes from the fact that EVAders starts with EVA, guys in space suits. They are a heavy infantry button pusher (specialist) with some interesting weapon options.  They are not that heavy though and lack any skill apart from climbing plus. but they are solid. They are one of the only options that you can take with a Feuerbach which is a great weapon that can fire in two modes double action, meaning if your hit you need to make two saves and AP which means it’s half your armour rounded up and at two burst this can mean up to 4 saving throws at half armour or you can shoot explosive ammo giving one hit and 3 saving throws. Nasty.

“The Evaders’ origins are a classic example of the Corregidor Jurisdictional Command. In fact, the Evaders themselves are a classic example of Corregidor, being the true cliché of the Nomad soldier: with little taste for discipline, uniformity, or moderate language. Created in the early days of this mothership’s military forces, the Evaders were a group of EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) workers who went on strike and caused so much trouble and havoc that Juan Sarmiento, the Mexican General, offered them to keep doing the same, but under his command and in the service of the ship, or to go for a trek out the airlock with nothing but a pair of socks—a recruiting style very typical of this former prison ship. The Jurisdictional Command needed troops specialized in EVA and zero-gravity operations, with demolition and construction skills, as well as knowledge of the maintenance and repair of facilities. Those men and women fit the target profile and were quickly taught the tactical skills they lacked to become exactly what the Mexican General was looking for.

And thus, since they joined the Corregidor Jurisdictional Command, the Nomad space and orbital facilities not only became sturdier, more efficient, and improved the speed of deployments, but these facilities also became more secure. More than one assault on a site under construction was thwarted because the Evaders were there and, being proper Corregidoran troops, they kicked the crap out of the bastards who were trying to destroy all their work. But the Evaders are more than just armed workers; they are the space equivalent of the sappers of the surface forces: demolition experts and combat engineers. A key element in any assault on an enemy ship or space facility, they are the ones in charge of opening and clearing the way, the experts in blowing stuff up in the vacuum of space. They are easily identifiable by their Extra-Vehicular Activity armour (so customized that it barely looks like a uniform), by their foul language, and by their careless attitude. They are experts in always raising hell, both in the area of operations and in the cantina, and also in living up to their name and evading any responsibility. These are the Evaders: Corregidor style personified.”



A solid option if you need to get somewhere in a hurry. Medium infantry flankers. They walk on a table edge (not in your opponents table edge using their own order to do so and don’t deploy with the rest of your models. With some missions having objectives across the middle this can be a great option to get to them quicker. Or if your opponent is pumping all of their orders into one model and overextended you can cut off their support or even ambush them when they are deep into the table. Need something defended in the middle of the table? potentially not a problem. Put it into the middle and do a PH roll, succeed and you go where you planned. fail and start on your own table edge. The later option is a bit to random for me even though you have a good chance.  They have ok weapon options but with great flexibility must come great mediocrity.

“The Corregidor Interdiction and Immediate Deployment Regiment are called the ‘Hellcats’ after the fierceness of its members and its focus on extreme measures. The Nomad Military Force maintains the Regiment at constant peak levels of fitness and readiness so that each battalion can deploy anywhere ‘in record time or faster. Due to its pivotal role in the functioning of the Nomad army, the Regiment entertains a vast amount of operational skills, but Hellcats mostly undertake airborne infiltration and exfiltration missions, and particularly Direct Action operations under extreme circumstances.

You really need to be made of stern stuff to make it in the Regiment. What Hellcats know as the standard operating procedure is basically an aircraft jump into the worst of the fray, armed with nothing but their personal gear and the best wishes of their commanding officer, without the faintest prospect of support. Despite the substantial risk involved in their operations, Hellcats are known to be jovial folk. Their philosophy is that, if they have been able to survive these missions so far, they really have nothing to fear anymore…”




Sneaky little… Is normally what happens with these. They have MSV 2 meaning they discount minmatism -3 and -6. They can have a multi sniper rifle or HMG meaning they are good at negating negative effects of your own units camo and have the firepower to deal with whatever they find under your marker. They also have their own camo at -3 to hit and can be another guess who marker. If there was such a thing as a sniper killer this is definitely an option.

“The Corregidor Assault Commando has a foul reputation planet side. Whenever a contingent of Corregidorian workers reach their new destination, it is safe to assume there will be one covert Intruder among them. The mission of this lone operative is to assess the on-site security and prepare contingency plans, but many foreign news outlets have openly accused them of inciting revolts against the worker’s contractors. The truth is that Intruders are called in whenever Nomad workers smell trouble. Their job is to safeguard Nomad citizens and evacuate them should things get ugly. If they cannot fulfil the extraction, they must be able to help the workers hold the line until the cavalry arrives.

Other than these special security details, Intruders are always ready for offensive assignments to further the agenda of the Nomad Nation, including small, medium, or large-scale conflicts far beyond the scope of any other Corregidorian unit. They are famously feared as assault troops and accept only the best soldiers from other Corregidorian regiments. They act as an expeditionary corps, scouting new environments, making the first contact, and gathering information. Intruders can do anything from military intel to covert ops, to urban combat, to tunnel guerrilla tactics, to sabotage. They also frequently act as military advisers and field instructors when the situation calls for an accelerated boot camp to turn blue-collar workers into a reasonably capable combat force. However, the real reason why they are feared as the elite of spec-ops teams is their prowess as hunters and assassins. The Corregidor Assault Commando is the one true ace up the Nomad sleeve because all it takes to control a whole battlefield is one single Intruder.”


Nomad section of Crimson Stone Cont

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
No Comments

The backs of all my models, for no other reason that you can only have 12 elements in the projects system.

Beyond Crimson Stone

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments
  • 1x Tomcat Engineer
  • 1x Wildcat
  • 1x Vostok


Light infantry specialist in terms of being an engineer or a doctor. You Can push buttons with them due to this, the best thing about them is they are are specialists with wings (parachutist skill) meaning you can bring them on the middle of the board and keep them hidden and safe for a portion of the game only to run our and climb over things (climbing plus) mid game and push those buttons or aid that ally.  Underwhelming but slightly more interesting specialist that normally comes with a light flame thrower in case your patent dies or welding just isn’t hot enough. Oh and you can take a remote for them as well which is a good thing.

“The Tomcat Team is a unit of heroes. Its members are on active service twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Originating from Corregidor, the Tomcats constitute the extreme situation intervention and reaction unit of the Nomad Military Force. To Corregidor, whose manpower works in deep space conditions, the existence of a emergency rescue team is essential. In space, the most hostile environment possible, accidents are always deadly. In such situations, to save lives and avoid more deaths, speed and precision are vital and there is no room for error.

The wide range of their functions and the flexible Nomad organizational structure has obliged the Tomcats to become a militarized unit. Tomcats must be multi-skilled operatives, with varied specialities, allowing them to achieve success in any mission. The Nomad Military Force makes good use of their exceptional qualities in combat operations, as a quick response and support unit for situations which need special abilities. Their function is to serve in extraordinary rescues, immediate reaction operations and in extremis hostage liberation missions. In a nutshell, they save lives. When the alarm sounds, they know they have to go from zero to critical in seconds. They must be always at full performance. Their missions are always very important, and they must accomplish them without hesitations. Whether on a ship or deployed planeside, when they have to respond to a situation, there always are lives at risk. Believers in the aphorism “Sweat saves blood”, the continuous and intensive instruction program of the Tomcats is crucial to guarantee success in their operations. Excellence is not an objective, it is the point of departure. The pressure of their service is brutal, but the recognition and regard of Corregidor society compensates it fully: all Nomad children want to be a Tomcat when they grow up.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Tomcat EngineerTomcat Engineer

Wild Cat

Good solid and somewhat dependable medium infantry. If you need someone basic with lots of options in terms of what they can do these are your guys. They can be a lieutenant option, doctor, specialist, hacker and engineer. but sadly they cant do any of it very well, only adequately. Though none of their weapon options are exciting, my one comes with a cool shoulder pad though. Look it’s shiny.

“You have probably never heard of the Mkuki Soldiers, or the Barabara Vita, the Road Wars that devastated part of Africa in the days before the building of the Orbital Elevator of Oriental Africa. Now they are just a footnote in the pages of history, but in their day they were a tragedy as brutal anything the African continent has seen. At that time, a number of corporations were competing against each other by drawing communication and trade lines to the Orbital Elevator. Many of these routes passed through ancestral tribal territories, so rival tribes were enlisted and armed to expel people and clear the way for the new roads, or to murder workers from other companies. The methods of these irregular troops were savage and they were known as Mkuki (“spear” in Swahili) Soldiers for their habit of impaling their victims to instil terror in the populace. Over time, the Mkuki Soldiers were declared war criminals and disbanded. Some of them paid for their crimes, but many hid among the refugees displaced by the works of the Orbital Elevator.”



Need a massive robot that’s fast and good at climbing? Look no further . It’s highly survivable get it some cover and if you pay for the mimetism option your hard to see and if you do it’s likely it’s not going to do much. You get a MK12 weapon with that profile which is a high burst high damage weapon This is mobile denial get in cover along the likely avenues of advance and people are going to think twice or waste precious inches moving to avoid it and spending more orders. That or they will spend lots of delicious orders trying to deal with it.

“The outstanding success of the Sputnik series reaffirmed the confidence of the Nomad Military Force in the tactical use of Combat Remotes. However, the story of the Sputniks was not yet concluded. The distinctive modular design of these remote units gives them a wide range of room for improvement that allows them to evolve and adapt to new needs that may arise from current changing operating environments. Therefore, all the experience accumulated by the Nomad Military Force in the use of the first models of Sputniks—Tsyklon and Lunokhod—has been applied to the second generation of these tactical remotes, known as Vostok. This designation code continues the tradition of using legendary names from Russian Cosmonautics as a subtle way to prove that the main source of funding for this program is the Tunguska Struktura.”


Dire Foes

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments
  • 1x Jazz Hacker
  • 1x Billie
  • 1X Lab-Tech

Jazz and Billie

Is the queen of hackers in a game with two hacking programs. Don’t let that take away from her being good. a WIP 14 hacker with a remote (Billie) is very useful at slowing or stopping tags and heavy infantry. Ap mines can be deployed to make her difficult to dig out but in Code one she has lost her shine to make her truly great.

“Anyone will tell you that were they to choose a person to go with to a deserted island, no one would pick Jazz Caticovas. She would spend the whole day listening to music and in a bad mood for not being able to access the datasphere or play her sax. The fact is that, even if Jazz knew what a deserted island was—since, being a Nomad from Corregidor, she has spent her whole life inside crowded ships—she would probably agree with this opinion. However, if you are inside an orbital under a security lockdown while some bad guys are asking for your head, then Jazz is your girl. But if she hears you call her “your girl,” she will most probably shoot you—and it will not be in the foot.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Jazz Jazz


This is the forces HVT it’s used in the Xanadu Rush dire foes mission pack. As this character has no real back story you could make one up I did however paint her in the official scheme. He is a HVT after all and I don’t really want my opponent to get too fixated on her.

On a side note it’s been a while since I have been truly happy with a paint job. and this fits that bill.


Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff

Want to fight hand to hand with a skilled wolf with a metal claw on his fist? No? You may not have a choice. When he comes towards you, you may think I will shoot him. About half the time that’s the wrong move. Shoot him and he dodge with a PH 14 +3 dodge. Meaning he needs to roll 17 or under on a D20. If he does he will move 4 inches closer to ripping your face off. And when he gets into combat (and he most likely will if you have not at least taken a wound off in the game before) you will forget how to even hold a knife in most cases with martial arts level 3 and a -6 cc weapon you have next to no chance. Best thing is to kill him in his deployment zone

His back story is long so will give you a quote instead. (feel free to look it up)

“My name is Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff, I have a cybernetic claw, and I am a virtuoso of violence and trouble. When I say trouble, I mean my own, and as if that were not enough, other people’s too. I am a bounty hunter, I hunt people down for money, and while I chase them, I run away from my own problems.”

Wolfgang Amadeus WolffWolfgang Amadeus Wolff

Nomads Support Pack

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
  • 1x Daktari
  • 1x Clockmaker
  • 2x Zondbot


“I am quite against doctors apart from being specialists to push buttons. I just seem to waste orders on them. they can get up to two remotes with mimetism -3 to run about and do their good work for them. He does have a med kit and is a doctor so there is a chance you can revive people. In my experience and dice rolls your better using your order to get an objective. Sounds a bit cold but let them die and their deaths mean something, rather than live with failure.

“Daktari, Dak for short, means doctor in swahili. The denomination comes from Corregidor where there had once been an association of doctors of a somewhat dubious reputation, who, in order to avoid a hefty fine for contaminating their patients, offered to serve for a time in the Nomad Military Forces.

The doctors were distributed amongst the various regiments. As they were unaccustomed to combat, they developed a knee-jerk reaction of proffering insults and colourful interjections in their native tongue, whilst trying to stabilize the Nomad soldiers in the middle of cross-fire. This miscellaneous string of insults and improprieties established itself as a kind of calming mantra for the wounded, who knew when they heard it, that they were saved. In this way, the Swahili tongue became a kind of battle language for the Daks, the Nomad Campaign Doctors.”



A doctor for Tags and remotes. This one has a 75% chance of doing her job right and not causing your Tag or remote to lose structure and instead heals one point of structure. Unlike the medic if you have invested a large portion of your points in a tag why not double down with an engineer? This works best if your plan is to Leeroy Jenkins your tag up the field and spend every order on it. Doesn’t go to plan? Not to worry send in the engineer or their remote. This Engineer comes with it’s very own Tail!

“The Clockmakers are the most valuable contribution of Bakunin to the Nomad Military Force. They are combat technicians with the special ability to compose, repair, reconstruct and invent on the fly. Their mission is to give technical maintenance on the battlefield.

It’s well known that the Clockmakers apply radical neuronal enhancement programs to themselves, implanting memory expansion wetware full of technical specifications and data. Interface connections stand up from the bases of their skulls, to facilitate man-machine communication. As with any other individual born in Bakunin, they are eccentric characters, with an extravagant look and esoteric practices. Specialists in non-linear thinking, their solutions to technical questions are both cutting edge and genial, but, like everything experimental, sometimes fallible. The Clockmakers are worth their weight in gold, being highly appreciated by Nomads and also by any faction who needs a boost to its technology levels, so it is recommend to always capture them alive.”



These are almost a must have at half a point each if you are taking an engineer or medic. Keep them safe in a hole on the ground giving you an order. Need something fixed? Send these guys, who don’t have orders instead of you. Sacrifice them in the name of cowardice and keep that order for as long as possible or at least a second chance to fix something or someone.

“Zondbots are a sure success! They are not just cute little robots; they are metallic heroes in miniature. They run between bullets to save lives or repair vehicles so others can carry on fighting, or retreat to a safe place. They are an example to everybody. “Your size doesn’t matter. Your strength doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is for you to be smart and brave, like them”. Is there a better message to be transmitted to children? And their look… nothing like skittering spiders, but small and agile armoured knights with armour in sporting colours. They don’t appear to be designed by military industry but by the marketing department of a toy corporation. They are perfect to develop an entire line of merchandise: holo-pets, cyberpals, clothing, school accessories… And all this starts with a multi-series in Maya. We take two Zondbots, Medic and Engineer, with opposed personalities, facing evil aliens, and we have the perfect cocktail of humour and adventure… We also have their controllers as supporting characters, the human identifying reference, a Clockmaker and a sexy female Daktari, and there we can include a romantic sub-plot to capture the teenage public. The possibilities of these small remotes are huge. Gentlemen, the Zondbots may be non-combat troops… but they are going to conquer the market for us.”

Zondbot 1Zondbot 1
Zondbot 2Zondbot 2

Zonds Remotes Pack

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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  • 2x ZondBots


They come in 4 flavours. Their weapon and abilities change depending on what they are used for.  The HMG one has total reaction meaning it fires it’s full burst on an ARO great for stopping certain paths of advance to your opponent, try to sneak up on it from behind I hear you say? No it also has a 360 visor. They are all pretty fast too so if things change you can redeploy in a hurry. They have a no weapon version that’s very fast, harder to hit than normal and has a good WIP to help spot targets (never seen one used at all).  A Combi rifle specialist one, again never seen it used and a missile launcher one which only special thing is that it can get to area’s quick and has a missile launcher.

‘Zond’ was the old Russian name for Unidentified Flying Objects, an apt name for the lightning-fast remotes designed for the Nomad Military Force. Nomads have a long, upstanding tradition of Remote use in military and civilian settings. Corregidor has perfected Remote technology as applied to ship maintenance and EVA tasks. Bakunin engineers make liberal use of Remotes to crash-test new technologies and interfaces, and only bother to find military or commercial applications for the ones that survive the process. The vibrant hacker scene of Tunguska values Remotes as an untraceable method of deployment for support hardware.”

Reaktion ZondsReaktion Zonds
Vertigo ZondsVertigo Zonds

Nomads Booster Pack Alpha

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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  • 1x Kriza Borac
  • 1x Grenzer
  • 1x Mary Problems Hacker

Kriza Borac

What can I say apart from almost a must have for my forces. A heavy infantry with great options. HMG or MK12 both are solid options. Want it as your lieutenant, sure Want a MK12 lieutenant with a 360 visor. Of course you can. not got enough shots with your heavy high burst weapons? We have you covered with +1 burst meaning you get 5 HMG shots or 4 MK12 shots with damage 15. Dont like getting shot back? We will give you mimetism -3. Got shot anyway? You are a Heavy infantry with armour 5 and 2 wounds. You should be ok.

“The Specijalne Krize Jedinice, or Special Crisis Units in Serbian, emerged as an initiative of one of the officers of the incipient Tunguska Jurisdictional Command, Jarek Darékovic, in the turbulent days after the ship’s foundation. This officer was responsible for large-calibre policies applied during the dawn of the Phantom Conflict, from which Szalamandra squads would also emerge.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Kriza BoracKriza Borac


Solid Sniper choice with an ok chance to hit and Multispectral Visor level one to remove or reduce some mimetism as a MI it’s on the heavy side for amour with 3 meaning if it’s in cover (and why would it ever come out) it’s quite survivable. Great for blocking off advance lanes and you can even take a missile launcher, lieutenant options specialist and discover bonus options. All round a very good choice.  Have seen them win games on their own or paralyze opponents who don’t want to face them.

“The Austro-Hungarian Empire had a long tradition of hiring Croatian mercenaries to defend its borders from Turkish attacks. Historically, these Croatians proved effective and worthy of the trust invested in them. For generations the Waldheim family, one of the oldest and most prosperous banking dynasties in Vienna, have hired the services of a retinue of Croatian mercenaries to defend their interests. Over the decades, the Waldheims adapted to the ups and downs of the international financial market, and they proved their business acumen once again by becoming one of the major investors in the creation of Tunguska and moving their headquarters to this banking paradise in space. In the turbulent early days of Tunguska, many thieves, spies and conmen targeted the ship with their nefarious schemes, trying to break its security shell and get to its juicy financial innards. At the request of the by then legendary Nikolai Steranko, the battle-hardened Waldheim mercenaries integrated into the Dragnet Special Actions Department under his command. Under the direct command of Steranko himself, the Croatians took it upon themselves to uproot and eradicate covert enemies of Tunguska. Moles, infiltrators, assassins… marauders of every kind were hunted down swiftly and remorselessly by this team of specialists. The Croatians were so successful that Colonel Steranko established them as a permanent unit in his DSAD.”


Mary Problems

When you don’t want to hide and send your remote out to hack, I guess you will need to do it yourself. Need to get there in a hurry? You get forward deployment +4″ to edge you towards your goal. Got to close? You can dodge +3 on PH 10 it’s a welcome boost. Need to get into a good position? You can out climb most opponents with climbing plus. Getting shot at too often. Don’t worry they will mostly miss with mimetism -6. She is not the complete package but as hackers go in Code One she is good and even better in N4 if you progress.

“Originally born as a neotenic clone, designed to age 1/3rd as slowly and with hyper-accelerated brainpower. Grown in the Baker Module of Tunguska, designed to be a Lhost for future socialites. Escaped and founded the Baker’s Street Irregulars alongside Uhahu.

Mary Problems is the most efficient and dangerous, but never the most conventional, cybercombat expert in Tunguska’s special forces. Compared to an average human, Mary is smarter, faster, and more capable. She also has superb reflexes and a psychological profile as sharp as a knife”


Mary Problems HackerMary Problems Hacker

Nomads Booster Pack Beta

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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  • 1x Mobile Brigada
  • 1x Taskmaster
  • 1x Perseus

Mobile Brigada

Are a good solid heavy infantry choice 6-2 movement means they can move quickly and shoot, without saying darn I wish I move moved instead of move shot.  Close Ok, Shooting Ok, Weapon options good with great armour. The only thing lacking is skills which I am ok with as the absence of them makes them cheaper than they would be with any skills. You can however pay a small fee in points for a lieutenant option.

“Mobile Brigadas are the foremost regiment of the Corregidor heavy infantry. These are sturdy, versatile troops who shine both in defensive and offensive missions. Their everyday routine as members of the main assault force in the Nomad Military Force includes taking the brunt of whatever fight they are involved in. Which is just as well, as they might be the only ones with the staying power and tactical know-how to endure constant combat.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Mobile BrigadaMobile Brigada


Good solid choice not as good as a Kriza but if you want two Kriza in your force you cant have it as your only allowed one. What’s your Options? Taskmaster is a good one and slightly cheaper. Good in close combat with good profiles for it with red fury. or if you want to hang back and defend more the HMG is a good option with AP mines to watch your back. Also has lieutenant options but I feel there are better ones though you can get the upgrade for free (points) so….

“Most policing on Bakunin is handled by the Moderator corps, which is usually enough to deal with whatever trouble appears in the Mothership’s common areas. However, sometimes the Jurisdictional Command needs to pay an unexpected visit to one of the Black Labs located in the Praxis module, where more abstract and less humane experiments take place. Often, if a JC team is knocking on a laboratory’s door, all hell is about to break loose. And that’s where the Taskmasters come in. Clad in bleeding-edge powered armour, Taskmasters enforce the rules when no one else can, or will. Acting as judge, jury—and frequently executioner—once the Special Weapons and Suppressive Tactics team is called in, the situation’s already gone off the rails, and the Taskmasters are making the rules now. And those rules usually involve a good old-fashioned bullet with your name on it.”


Perseus, Rouge Myrmidon

This is the pitch, Got TAG’s, Heavy Infantry or low BTS models all over your objectives? You need Perseus to clean house. His weapon options are a breaker combi rifle and Nanopulsar.  Meaning it can take out these targets much easier than other models. the downside you need to get a little close to use them. Not to worry he is a close combat expert with martial arts level 3 and with dodge +1″ to help you get even closer. When he gets to you he has a double action cc weapon meaning if he hits you, your rolling two saving throws.  Also when trying to shoot him in the face he has mimetism -6 so your chances if your not tooled up or in the right range are very limited. Also he has super jump and can jump 8″ so good for getting up to those hard to reach locations. He “can” be a monster but it depends on your opponents list.

“Perseus, the Myrmidon who chose to live to keep fighting instead of commit suicide to avoid a Sepsitorisation which, finally, never happened. Considered a traitor by his former brothers in arms, Perseus has offered his sword in the service of the Nomads, alongside whom he has demonstrated he is still one of the best assault operatives in the Sphere, created for war and destruction.”



Szalamandra Squadron

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments
  • 1x Szalamandra


What can I say? It’s a massive armoured suit with two massive weapons. with lots of armour but not as much structure as I would want. That massive yellow gun he is holding is a hyper rapid magnetic cannon and can fire in two modes, my preferred option is burst mode which gives 5 armour piercing damage 15  shots and as if that’s not enough you also get +1 damage due to it’s skill. Meaning 5 shots at half amour with a large amount of damage. Someone gets in close and avoids fire until your massive cannon is ineffective? Don’t worry you also have a massive flame thrower that gets +1 damage, a large template and continuous damage. Meaning if I hurt but don’t kill you. You have a good chance to die anyway.  Main issue with the tag is that it’s an expensive bullet magnet, deploy this and you better make sure the rest of your force is going after the objective while your opponent is shooting the hell out of this.

“The Reptile Series TAGs (Tactical Armoured Gear) of Tunguska get their name from their similarity to the mythical salamander that could live in the midst of fire and also spit it. Their thick armour allows them to withstand the hardest punishment, and the Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon they carry can neutralize any opposition. With such a calling card, there are few who like to confront one of these TAGs. However, the real danger of a Szalamandra is inside them.

The pilots of this TAG squadron are true children of Tunguska, all of them cyberkillers specialized in hunting down other hackers. On the physical battlefield or in the datasphere, the Szalamandra are always heralds of destruction.”

1x Szalamandra front1x Szalamandra front
1x Szalamandra side left1x Szalamandra side left
1x Szalamandra side right1x Szalamandra side right

The setting

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I wanted  a base to film and take photo’s of the final model on. In the past I made these massive meaning I started to run out of space to store them. I made an A5 version of the base but I pretty much cheated my way here.

I needed to make bases and knew I could cut circles out of the base to make bases. Thus saving me time in Fusion 360. I borrowed elements from the battle mat in the starter kit and the sides of the card buildings you get to make a scene.

I did however also need to mount this on something solid so made a thin box out of MDF and laser cut this along with the window you can see. Assembled everything and painted quickly using stippling and airbrushing along with hand painting the tiles and gradients. This didn’t take long and is quite rough in places but I feel it adds a lot to the end photo’s which will probably out last the physical model.

Oh and the pink sign was made pink to contrast the use of Magenta. it was on purpose and I still think it looks good.

Completed force

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Completed forceCompleted force

So that’s it second Code One faction complete and painted.

I love the faction and this set even if there are to many models for the tiny base.

I think I pulled off the magenta and limited colour pallet. Yes it could have been better or even easier to use more colours and get a more vibrant effect but i honestly don’t dislike the result.

Even some of the more out there colour chokes like Perseus, Task Master and Salamander. on there own you can question it but seeing the full force it all comes together.

I have played against Nomads more than any other faction. They are no more or less difficult to win against than others. They do have character in their play style though. It was weird playing against them with hacking being so limited in Code One but such a big part of their play style in N4. The unit selection makes up for it though with heavy hitters and the hackers if used properly freezing or delaying the advance of the heavier units you play against or supporting your units in killing the enemy easier.

Oh well lots of fun to be had here. I think next up will be Ariadna as I want some more down to earth colours to paint in for a while.

More to come on another project!