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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Map Terrain 4 - Texturing and painting.

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12

Having made my test hills, time to paint them. I decided to use Vallejo Texture paint, I already had a tub  which I’d been using for my mech bases.

Map Terrain 4 - Texturing and painting.

I didn’t want to go to heavy with it as I wanted the hills to still fit together reasonably snugly for alt layouts..

Map Terrain 4 - Texturing and painting.

Last night I did a test piece,  before doing the bulk of hills this morning. After above I coated in a GW Reichland Fleshshade, then lightly drybrushed with MP paints sand. Just to bring back the hex lines I pin washed the lines with GW Agrax Earthshade.

I did put some grassy tufts on it  but carefully picked one that would sit under the mech bases.

Map Terrain 4 - Texturing and painting.

Doesn’t look to bad  though I might thin out the Reikland wash on later hills.

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zorgnightrunnerbobcockayne Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Love the terrain. How does the texture take to dry before you can paint it?

Cult of Games Member

Great work on the project figures @bobcockayne and your terrain looks fantastic for gaming.

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