New Temporal Travelers Take Up the Fight Against Aliens in 7TV
December 1, 2014 by dracs
Crooked Dice have put out a quick preview of an upcoming set of new Temporal Travelers.
Two of these are new geared up variants of the characters Daisy and May, each come back from the future with the weaponry needed to take down any extraterrestrial threat.
These two are definitely looking a bit more hardcore than their previous casual clothing iterations and look like they'll be dangerous companions to have by your side.
The other two sculpts are described by Crooked Dice as being classic assistants.
These two may not be as tooled up as the other pair, but they have nonetheless proven themselves of significant help to the Doctor, er I mean Tweedy, I mean Hugo Solomon, I mean the Vortex Adventurers. You know what I mean.
Which of these ladies would you include in your 7TV cast?
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It may just be the angle but Heavily-Armed-Daisy looks a bit … Vicky Pollard.