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It's the final entry tla la da

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This project is a monster and difficult to load and keep track of  As I am expanding my armies for infinity I will be breaking up this project into individual factions going forward. I can see a video or two and battle reports as my faction collection grows and this is already a monster.

All will be a starting point from here so I may refer people here if they wish to see the saga that is painting every infinity model my wallet can buy.

Which is a shame but I have to draw the line somewhere. Apparently 3 models away from a complete Yu Jing faction. and without showing my Nomads.

This has been a journey and a half . I started here only painting the starter factions from operation ice storm. I now have over 400 models painted and possibly another 80 bought to paint and more on the way.

I have seen my painting ability grow (not as quickly as I would like) from something I was content with to something I could only aspire to at the start of this. I have not just painted 400 models I have continued to focus on certain elements as I went along slowly building my skills to the point where I am now. Facing fears and having tantrums over the last few years has and is amusing to look back on.

I did want to finish with a picture of my journey with infinity so far. So as I cleaned my cabinet. I had to take everything out. This is still minus models I have painted from friends but it gives you an idea minus my terrain which is another project altogether.

Story so farStory so far

Hope to see you all looking in on my factions projects as they get done.

More to come, just not here.

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