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Better times when we were Lovers

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Even enemies started out at one time as something else. I have posted a picture that one of the great members (@soapdodger) from the Best house sent to me, to remind me of what once was. Great times, Great times, but alas Fuck @Ben, he knows what he did. So i had a game this past week and it was a great time, I am not sure if the game is that good, I think blood red skies is better, but it was a blast to see the club wanting to play a game. We recruited, I think at least 4 more players on Sunday, which i think is good, since it has only been me and one other member. What helped i am sure is that I have printed every army that there is and have grand ideas on things to do. For instance i want to build a 4×4 hex board to use instead of mats, you know old school pulling out a saw and getting to work with tools to create something cool, but not as cool as watching @ben get eaten by a pack of rabid badgers, yeah thats right Fuck you @ben. anyway here are some pics

so i will post what i did with my orcs paint scheme when i get them back, left at the club so that they can be played with. So during my 1st plays of the game i kept getting confused on what plane had moved or fired or was hit. so I decided to color code the paint jobs. if you look close the orcs have color tags of blue, green, orange, and red. the only one who doesnt is the ace as he is in a different plane but I gave him black as that was the color of the plane. so once the planes had there color tag i printed up so orc tokens that i matched the colors with and then laid those on the card. so when my guys were taking hits or moving or had special effects on them i just put it on the card that matched the color of the plane. When i get them back i will post more pics. the game in the photos i think was called “river run”. my opponent started with his back to me at the disadvantage. I as the orc player had to start at full speed and i think at max alt. I think the orcs had the luck of fresh paint as my roles were just hitting. I also learned that when your opponent has jinx it is best to have your wingman stay just a bit behind so that when the defender jinx to try and avoid being hit by one plane he should fall into your wingmans fire. The imps were destroyed lost my ace but he was the only one to fall.

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