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I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins

I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins

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Airbrush blues, also I'm still working on this, please don't close!

Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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So… My airbrush nozzle needed replacing… And now it needs replacing again, since my replacement nozzle broke off during my attempt to screw it on (and I need to find a way to pull out the part that screwed in).  ALL I WANTED was a way to prime models without paint leaking all over my bloody hand, but NOOO…

Anyways, here are some Abominations and the Sin of Sloth. The red parts were painted with Wine Red from a brand called AK. It’s an airbrush color but I had to apply it with a paintbrush… Because paintbrushes don’t FALL APART as soon as I LOOK AT THEM, IWATA NEO…

The personification of Sloth. Originally I was only going to paint the brains red but then I did the tumors in the back.The personification of Sloth. Originally I was only going to paint the brains red but then I did the tumors in the back.
Abominations. I only painted the tongues red because I did this before Sloth. Will likley go back and paint the tumors the same.Abominations. I only painted the tongues red because I did this before Sloth. Will likley go back and paint the tumors the same.

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