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I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins

I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins

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Some folk with guns.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Unlike the other four Player characters, these are just, afaik, people with guns and no special powers.

Unless, you count being able to accurately use a bloody sniper rifle with only one eye, a superpower.

Leah, the Sniper with no depth perception.Leah, the Sniper with no depth perception.
Rocco. If I ever play this game, I hope this guy at least dies second.Rocco. If I ever play this game, I hope this guy at least dies second.
According to the flavour text in the beginning of the manual, this guys a cop on the run for killing someone (who turned out to be a monster). Which has not aged pooly at ALL...According to the flavour text in the beginning of the manual, this guys a cop on the run for killing someone (who turned out to be a monster). Which has not aged pooly at ALL...

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