Community Spotlight: Classic Warhammer, Fey Folk & Carnevale Nobles

February 16, 2022 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Oldenheim by piers

We start off this week's community spotlight with a look at more from piers who has been jumping into the realm of Oldhammer once more. This year has focused in on even more properly old school Warhammer Fantasy Battles miniatures.

Oldenheim 2022 #1 by piers

The miniatures are distinctly classic in their appearance and it's quite awesome seeing these figures from the depths of time. These came out from Citadel in 1984 for the Middle-earth range. You could certainly see them as Barrow Wights, drifting forth from the tombs.

Some heroes are up next from the 1988 Marauder collection and the 1993 Heroes Of The Empire range. Again, some fantastic miniatures painted with some updated techniques and skills.

Oldenheim 2022 #2 by piers

I think it makes these miniatures from the annuls of time really pop. I really like the knight in particular, especially with that sash around the waist.

The last of the miniatures I wanted to highlight comes from the 1988 Chaos range. This shows off a seriously "metal" Chaos warrior who has taken the idea of skulls to heart.

Oldenheim 2022 #3 by piers

I like the fact that you then get to see the clash of personalities in the sculpting of his face. It's as if the power of chaos is almost tearing the flesh from his bones. It works all the nicer when you see the pale flesh next to the dark armour and the blood-red sword.

There is plenty to enjoy from this project so make sure to dive in and see what else piers has been up to.


Moonstone by irishsteve

The next of the miniature collections we're looking at comes from someone who has been drawn into the world of Moonstone. Here we have some more work by irishsteve which has brought to life a range of the miniatures from the game.

Moonstone 2022 #1 by irishsteve

The thing that's great about these miniatures is how they all tell a little bit of a story. I like the lambent glow that you sort of get from Danica, The Dusk Witch. I love all of the twisted vines that are working their way up around the miniature as well. A terrifying creature.

Things get a little bit more colourful and less terrifying with Mr Toddles The Faun.

Moonstone 2022 #2 by irishsteve

I love the warmth that you get from the miniature and how the fur has been painted too. You get a real sense of the texture to the miniature and I really like the lovely rosy cheeks. The miniature feels particular serene and I think it shows off just how different the world of Moonstone can be depending on the various characters.

Lastly, we have one of the miniatures I think everyone loves. Here we have Jayda, The Faun.

Moonstone 2022 #3 by irishsteve

Once again, there is a great sense of warmth to the character which is captured in the facial features and all of the little details. I really like the flowers tucked into her hair and how they work against the pale white. There could have been a danger that the miniature would feel too "natural" but I like that enough time and effort has gone into the character to avoid it feeling muddy.


Carnevale by ugleb

Last but not least, we're checking out the work by ugleb who has been working on more miniatures for the world of Carnevale. Some nobles are the focus of these miniatures for the start of 2022, continuing the great work that ugleb did last year.

Carnevale 2022 #2 by ugleb

Once again, I really like all of the detail that has been worked into the different sculpts. All of the separate straps and such have been picked out alongside all of the various trinkets these nobles bring to the tabletop when scrapping. I like the work on the trousers in the fellow above too.

Carnevale 2022 #1 by ugleb

The thing that also works for this range is just how extravagant the miniatures look. I love all the bright colours and the lurid mix of oranges, creams and pink. This is then all accented by the inclusion of so much gold. Which, I think they would approve of.

Carnevale 2022 #3 by ugleb

A great set of miniatures that add to the already expansive collection of Carnevale figures that ugleb has put together. I think they look great and show off the different styles of painting that you get to indulge in when exploring this game. I can't think of many other games which are as flamboyant!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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