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Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

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To me my X-men!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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For those unfamiliar with the game, MCP groups characters into affiliations which, if you use a majority of your force from one affiliation, can grant bonuses to your force.  It’s a nice way of allowing you to field any characters you want while still supporting the classic groups (X-men, X-force, Avengers, Cabal, Hydra, etc). In many cases individuals are part of multiple affiliations which allows you to shift the affiliation you choose in a given game by assigning a different leader.

That’s all important at the moment as, at the time I was painting them, X-force had a limited number of models available but many of the members are also in the X-men roster.  So that lead to picking up Cyclops and Storm as they are both leaders for the X-men affiliation.

Cyclops was another straightforward model (more yellow).  Classic pose but nothing too crazy.  Storm was a whole different story.  I love the “ride the lightning” sculpt and had to try and get a good lighting effect going from it. I went with a blue/white for the lightning just to make it a bit different.  The whole setup seems really fragile but as with other models the springiness of the plastic seems to make up for it.

Can’t recall exactly now but if I remember correctly I might have clipped or partially clipped part of the stub on the lightning she connects two (there are two touch points).  It worked out but just another word of caution to double check before you clip stuff.

Worth noting that I painted her separate from the lightning base.

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