Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
Moonstone's Diana Enraged, and Voth with Homunculus (40 points)
Two characters that I got from the recent Moonstone Kickstarter. I particularly like the way the skin tones came out on the homunculus.
The red areas were painted with mephiston red, washed carroburg crimson, then highlighted evil sunz scarlet followed by wild rider red.
The purple areas were painted naggaroth nigh, washed druchii violet, then highlighted xereus purple followed by genestealer purple.
The yellow areas were painted iyanden darksun, washed casandora yellow, then highlighted flash gitz yellow.
Diana’s blue wings were wet blended caledor sky, teclis blue, calgar blue, and fenris grey to get a smooth gradient from tip to body. I then used abaddon black to paint on a cell like structure.
Diana’s skin was painted bugman’s glow, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted cadian fleshtone followed by kislev flesh.
Voth and the homunculus’ flesh was painted waaagh! flesh then highlighted warboss green followed by nurgling green.
The darker browns were painted steel legion drab, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted tallarn flesh followed by karak stone.
The paler browns were painted zandri dust, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.
Voth’s hair was painted celestra grey then highlighted ulthuan grey followed by white scar.
The magical vortex and Voth’s magical spell effect were simply painted with aethermatic blue.
The metal areas were then painted abaddon black, then leadbelcher, then washed with nuln oil. Then they were highlighted with ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.
The moonstone shards in Diana’s vortex were painted as metal but without the wash. Then they were painted with soulstone blue.
The bases were painted with stirland mud, drybrushed with tyrant skull, and the rims were painted with abbadon black.
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