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Marvel Crisis Protocol Helicarrier Board

Marvel Crisis Protocol Helicarrier Board

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Project Blog by mc1gamer

Recommendations: 303

About the Project

I am building a new battle environment for Marvel Crisis Protocol. This time it's a Helicarrier. I have a good image with the right resolution for a neoprene battlemat (3' x 3' / 30cm x 30xm) that has the logo, landing strip, helopad, and enough room for the base of the superstructure. I have the concept art that was the inspiration (actually from Captain America Winter Soldier). Included are many items you would see on a modern aircraft carrier, various maintenance vehicles, bomb racks, firefighting vehicles, etc, as well as two UAV's that are currently in service, and a few defensive weapons (Vulcan Phalanx and SeaRam), all terrain items that can provide cover, obstacles and also to be thrown/destroyed in a game. I will build a superstructure that will be populated on the left side edge of the mat, for elevation, to house some communications towers (also throwable), but that is the last element of the entire project. A Quinjet will sit likely in the center, and be the biggest item on the table next to the superstructure. Plenty of SHIELD logo decals to place on vehicles, etc. Can't wait to get this completed and get some games on it!

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SHIELD Helicarrier board for Marvel Crisis Protocol

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment

Game using the (WIP) Terrain

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
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Superstructure base paint colors. Weathering to come later.

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Superstructure built. Shown is the unpainted result, with some 3d printed radar. Yes, those are ping pong balls ;P

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Superstructure built. Shown is the unpainted result, with some 3d printed radar. Yes, those are ping pong balls ;P

Superstructure base is finished. Next up is adding some details, windows, then prime and weathering work. Following that are adding the various antenna, communications gear, etc, that will sit on top and hanging off the sides. Still plenty of room for some flying or wallcrawling minis to get up there too

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Completed some of the terrain. Also showing some of the deck vehicles and some MCP characters for scale. I took some of the deck figures from the kits and placed them on bases so I can use them in scenarios where there are extractions like Spider-Infected or the Skrull spy. Next stage is completing the rest of the deck vehicles and then onto the superstructure that will sit on one side of the mat.

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Some terrain wip on the new playmat. Looks a bit plain right now, but once all the deck vehicles are done and positioned, and the superstructure (next leg of this) I think it will work just fine. I have a foam block on the left to show where that will be. Not going overboard with it, just some elevation and some atmosphere for the setting.

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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SHIELD Decals added to the Drones. Some work on the SeaRam point defense weapon. Coming along nicely. Decals have been sealed with a coat of gloss and then matt finish. Just some undercarriage work left, then onto the Vulcan Phalanx and the rest of the deck objects. The battlemat should be in hand next update, which will be populated with some of the terrain to show the look/feel of the board.

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Battlemat art is ready. Submitted to a company that will print a two of them (neoprene). Will post image once this arrives, and place some of the terrain on it. I think the artist did a very good job of capturing what I am going for, with the main photo shown for this project as inspiration.

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11
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Base coats, initial airbrush pass for highlighting lighter grey, added white to the domes of the Vulcan Phalanx and SeaRam defense weapons.

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11
1 Comment

Various items built, ready for base coat and first passes at detail painting

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 11
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