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SMOL (small) Samurai

SMOL (small) Samurai

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Airbrush and drybrush

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Colour scheme for the castle is sorted.  I wanted to keep the colour scheme simple and repeatable so standardised colours were a must.  As I add to this I don’t want to be trying to mix matching colours.

The stone walls were basecoated black vallejo mecha primer (74.642) then airbrushed a stonewall grey vallejo game colour (72.049).  This was done at about 45 degrees to the surface giving me a zenethal highlight to the stone and leaving the black in the recesses.

Walls are a white vallejo mecha primer (74.640), I may add to this at sometime.  For now the white looks good enough.

Wooden buildings have a base of vallejo model colour flat brown (70.984) with a drybrush of vallejo model colour Khaki (72.061).

Roof tiles are a base of sombre grey vallejo game colour (72.048) and dry brushed with the stonewall grey used for the stone.

last of all the dirt floor has a base of the flat brown used for the wood and then a random spray of desert yellow vallejo game colour (72.063).

Next up I have started printing some corner towers

Airbrush and drybrush

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hairybrains Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I have some the of the alien worlds necron stuff but always been tempted by their samurai terrain, the paint job is excellent and looks pretty straight forward.
I backed this kickstarter but I havent got around to printing the samples yet but I will get something going in the new year.
Anyway great project look forward to what is to come.

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