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Twilight: 2000 Dice Set

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 4
1 Comment
These engraved custom dice are designed specifically for the fourth edition of the Twilight: 2000 roleplaying game. The set includes:  Four base dice – one each of D6, D8, D10 and D12. Four D6 ammo dice. One D6 hit location die. (left dice from the box, right the extra dice pack)These engraved custom dice are designed specifically for the fourth edition of the Twilight: 2000 roleplaying game. The set includes: Four base dice – one each of D6, D8, D10 and D12. Four D6 ammo dice. One D6 hit location die. (left dice from the box, right the extra dice pack)

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome project, @tuffyears – I have so many memories of playing in this setting back in the day. It’s great to see the new system revitalizing this classic, with what seems like a more streamlined and faster-playing narrative system.

And yeah, I like the hexes and counters. 😀 😀 😀

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