Xmas Present - Modelling - Theme: "A Storm in a Teacup"
The second wave
The last picture showed the sealand/white spirit mix.
The last few parts I did was to touch up the over spill of ‘water’ over the cup using more of the making waves and then with a white paint dry brushing alot of it to pick out the crests. I think in hindsight i probably over did this..
After this I touched up the peaks with white paint
varnished the whole thing
and filled in the gaps between the boat and the sea again.
I was quite suprised the turn around time for this, I had these done within 4 days, this wasnt non stop as tonnes of waiting time for layers to dry.
The only real cost was the making waves for the crests of the waves all other technical bits used were house hold items of craft bits i had.
I might try this again at a later date as I feel i went overboard on the white foam parts. However happier enough how they ended up
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