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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Get to the lift! Battle Report.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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You only start with half your crew in this encounter. I took Captain Maughan Vars, Sniper R2CU, Pathfinder Mivian Virror, Recruit Jean Luc LaForge and a nameless Hacker.You only start with half your crew in this encounter. I took Captain Maughan Vars, Sniper R2CU, Pathfinder Mivian Virror, Recruit Jean Luc LaForge and a nameless Hacker.
Get to the lift! Battle Report.
The opening scene. Lifts on the far side of the area and hostiles in the way.The opening scene. Lifts on the far side of the area and hostiles in the way.
I have my dice, power cards, wound markers and stat cards ready.I have my dice, power cards, wound markers and stat cards ready.
Zombies in the middle, a zombie on each of two loot tokens and a soldier zombie at each lift door.Zombies in the middle, a zombie on each of two loot tokens and a soldier zombie at each lift door.
Got started with some early shots off with little effect and moving some of the team left to head for the data loot token.Got started with some early shots off with little effect and moving some of the team left to head for the data loot token.
Then the Zombies got their turn and injured my Hacker and put the pressure on.Then the Zombies got their turn and injured my Hacker and put the pressure on.
Then my Pathfinder got to throw down a grenade... And whiffed the throw and thankfully in bounced beyond the Zombies rather than back towards the captain.Then my Pathfinder got to throw down a grenade... And whiffed the throw and thankfully in bounced beyond the Zombies rather than back towards the captain.

At the start of turn two I realized I had placed my Captain in danger of getting mobbed and was only close enough to group activate one of my crew.

The pathfinder was close enough to be activated and tried another grenade. This time it landed and went off and killed one outright and second was undamaged.The pathfinder was close enough to be activated and tried another grenade. This time it landed and went off and killed one outright and second was undamaged.
Then my Captain successfully used a Command power and got the Sniper R2CU to activate. This only winged the closest zombie so a fight was inevitable.Then my Captain successfully used a Command power and got the Sniper R2CU to activate. This only winged the closest zombie so a fight was inevitable.
Luckily for the crew (and slightly some preparation on my part being able to get ganging up bonuses) the combat saw the zombie roll badly and the Captain smashed it's brains in.Luckily for the crew (and slightly some preparation on my part being able to get ganging up bonuses) the combat saw the zombie roll badly and the Captain smashed it's brains in.

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