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Krieg 3rd armoured division : the iron knights

Krieg 3rd armoured division : the iron knights

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Decals and dirt

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continuing the weathering bit by bit. I was fortunate to get some time Thursday and last night to get a large chunk of the gun weathered up. Still a few details to go but most of it is done!  Also had a bit of fun adding signs and a small shovel. Both from the new Krieg plastic kit! Was a bit of fun. I have to say though the old aromaster decals are not nearly as enjoyable. Having to balance to decals on top of either other has been “fun” but I think the end result on the medusa shells has been worth it. Now onto weathering them and it’s the crew next. Hopefully today turns into a productive one indeed!continuing the weathering bit by bit. I was fortunate to get some time Thursday and last night to get a large chunk of the gun weathered up. Still a few details to go but most of it is done! Also had a bit of fun adding signs and a small shovel. Both from the new Krieg plastic kit! Was a bit of fun. I have to say though the old aromaster decals are not nearly as enjoyable. Having to balance to decals on top of either other has been “fun” but I think the end result on the medusa shells has been worth it. Now onto weathering them and it’s the crew next. Hopefully today turns into a productive one indeed!
Decals and dirt
Decals and dirt
Decals and dirt

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Cult of Games Member

It’s my first time checking your blog out. I have to say it’s full of wonderful stuff! Your attention to detail really brings these pieces to life. Congrats.

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