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Project Barnum.

Project Barnum.

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Refreshed and renewed.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So I have now fully re-written the original scenario to a point where I am happy and it is now ready to playtest. I didn’t really need to change a lot as the scenario was fairly straight forward to begin with. I have made some clarifications and amendments. Mainly I have changed the rules to be in line with V 3.0, giving the beast impervious and Hardy to keep him hard to kill. I also gave him the legendary trait to stop him from being compelled and other similar issues. The clarifications came from some ambiguity around the quick and the dead and give ’em hell reactions. I also rejigged the movement slightly as D5 x 2″ should really just be D10″ to avoid needless complications. Overall I am happy with how it seems now I just need to play it. So in the new year it will be Soul Hunters Vs The Nautilus crew trying to capture or kill the beast for research or riches.

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