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Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming 3D Printing… Where do I start? Reply To: 3D Printing… Where do I start?


Cult of Games Member

Its’ the one area I struggle with for my minis. By the time I’ve finished painting, the base is often little more than a plain black disc!

I print quite a few sci-fi minis and have a few “textures” of sci-fi/cyberpunk tiles that I just put into Blender and “boolean intersect” to create a disc/slice to glue onto a base. I’ve never thought of printing little bits and bobs to glue onto a base – that link you left has a load of freebie greebles that would be ace for basing – nice find! I’ve spent a fortune on Patreon in the last couple of years, so tend to just print complete bases when I need them.

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