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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Hägar the 'Onourable - Encounter Table Pirate

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Hägar the 'Onourable - Encounter Table Pirate

“Hägar the ‘Onourable” (a pirate trooper) sounds like a nice guy but honour amongst thieves is not only rare, but also frowned upon. He once gave quarter in a boarding action when the Captain strictly said no prisoners to be taken. … Now he has a rope tied into his mouth every boarding action, more symbolically than an actual gag, to make sure he remembers to never offers quarter again.

I had thought the rope was just part of a dreadlock style twist to his mustache. It was only after painting it all orange and noticing it continuing behind his head that it was a rope. Then I corrected the paint job and came up with the story to fit the model.

Hägar the 'Onourable - Encounter Table Pirate

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