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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Bileworms - Encounter Table

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Bileworms - Encounter Table
Bileworms - Encounter Table

Two bits of twisted sprue and a gap in my normal Stargrave basing and I have two Bileworms. These were left over from when I have dragged sprue over a candle to get thin pieces for bow strings and aerials and things. I used a pin vice to create a mouth. In the rule book they were described as featureless and spitting worms. I had wanted to use gel type glue and run a bead from the base to the mouth and something similar from the uplifted deck to the flanks. When I couldn’t find my UHU glue I found some dried Citadel paint lid scraps that were thin enough and tapered enough to look like drool. Then I found a scrap of wool that when pasted with Nurgle’s Rot Tech Paint and PVA glue could look like slime well enough for me. I used a mottled mix of Bugman’s Glow, Deathguard Green, Emperor’s Children Pink, Druki Violet and some Blood for the Blood God dabs to do the skin. I suggested worm like bands with some horizontal lines. Though as it is meant to be a boneless creature that squeezes through gaps rather than burrowing… I didn’t feel the need to dwell on a refined earthworm look.

Didn’t take long and it’s an easy tick on the bestiary table, so I am happy with the result.

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Eww gross… I love them!

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